ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification Exam – Sample Paper: Q. 81 to 90
Today we have added 70 more Questions to the Questions Bank.
Deep study of the complete set of 140 questions shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB CTAL Advanced Level Test Manager Exam. All these questions are based upon ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Syllabus V 2007.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 81 to 90)
Correct Answers to Earlier Q. 71 to 80 are at the end of this page:
Q. 81: Which ONE of the following statements most closely reflects the risk in the project before and after the mitigation by testing?
A. Function C is now the lowest risk function
B. Only two high level risks have not been mitigated
C. Function B is now the highest risk function
D. The most risks were mitigated in Function C
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
The table with remaining risks is shown below. Function A is now the lowest risk function, all high level risks have been mitigated, and 11 risks were mitigated in Function C compared with 13 in the other two functions. Hence that leaves Function B as the highest risk function with more medium and low level risks than the other two functions.
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Q. 82: Which of the following is the primary test basis for acceptance testing?
A. High-level design specification
B. Low-level design specification
C. Requirements specification
D. Defect reports from earlier releases
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Q. 83: Which of the following is a general testing principle from the ISTQB Foundation syllabus?
A. Probe effect
B. Defect clustering
C. Boundary value analysis
D. Incident reporting
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Q. 84: You are working as the system test manager on a large project. Following an incremental lifecycle model, the development team plans to deliver three bundles of features, labeled Critical, Important, and Enhancing, to the test team on the first working day of March, April, and May, respectively. Which of the following statements is true?
A. There is no need to write a system test plan for a project that is following an incremental lifecycle model, as such plans are only written for V-model projects.
B. The system test plan should include an entry criterion that requires a feature complete build delivered to system test prior to any test execution.
C. The system test plan should govern which specific features are included in each of the three bundles, and disallow any changes in that feature selection.
D. The system test plan should specify how the test team will perform regression testing for the Critical and Important features when the Enhancing bundle of features is delivered.
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Q. 85: You are working on a project to develop a browser-based information system for a state legislature. You are the system test manager. The system test team is responsible for functional and non-functional testing. During the requirements specification period, the test team leads a quality risk analysis effort for the project. The quality risk analysis identifies over 25 different defects in the requirements specification, including a situation where the number of concurrent users of the system was significantly under-estimated. Which of the following is a way in which this early testing activity directly benefits test execution?
A. By raising the stature of the test team in the eyes of project management.
B. By demonstrating the fallibility of the business analysts who wrote the requirements specification.
C. By providing reasons to cancel the project prior to wasting too much money on it.
D. By preventing bugs that would otherwise arise during test execution.
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Q. 86: You are working as the test manager on a project to allow customers to make on-line home mortgage loan applications. The bank has provided a flowchart that shows the decision points for determining whether someone can receive a loan, and, if so, for how much and at what interest rate. This document is likely to be the most important input for which of the following test process activities?
A. To write a test plan
B. To generate exit criteria
C. To design functional test cases
D. To design non-functional test cases
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Q. 87: Assume you are responsible for system testing of an embedded system that is used to control a gas station fuel pump. Assume that you have received a functional specification, but no specification of non-functional characteristics like response time, reliability, or security. Which of the following statements is tare?
A. You should attempt to get information that will allow you to develop non-functional tests as well as functional tests
B. System testing never addresses non-functional characteristics, so this is not a problem
C. Non-functional characteristics are not important for embedded systems like this one
D. You can assume these non-functional characteristics were addressed in integration testing
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Q. 88: A company is developing a new type of software application and wants very much to be first to market. The system test execution period is scheduled for twelve weeks.
Four weeks into system test execution, the marketing manager learns that their closest competitor is within six weeks of releasing a version of this type of application. He convinces the project management team to release the application as it currently exists, removing four features which are too buggy for delivery and documenting workarounds or limitations for the other known bugs. This decision violates the exit criteria defined in the system test plan.
The four withheld features, fixes for the remaining known bugs, plus any additional bug fixes or enhancements requested by early adopters, are to be delivered in a maintenance release due out thirteen weeks after initial release.
Which of the following statements about this situation is certainly true?
A. This release decision was ill advised, as the quality problems will definitely cost the company market share.
B. The test manager should resign in protest to protect her reputation from being associated with such a poor product.
C. There are no consequences associated with making decisions like this, as quality levels are really quite arbitrary.
D. The maintenance release will need significant regression testing if the company wants to ensure the features which are released now are not broken by that release
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Q. 89: You are working as a test manager at an organization that maintains an existing, profitable family of applications. Releases to these applications undergo a different number of levels of testing and a different extent of testing depending on whether the release is considered low, medium, or high risk. Which of the following is a test management document where you would find a discussion of how to determine the risk of a release, the levels of testing required, and the extent of testing?
A. Test strategy
B. System test plan
C. Component test plan
D. Test design specification
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Q. 90: Consider the following excerpt from a system test plan:
Tests shall be run in four stages, with all tests within a stage run before the next stage is started. The stages are formed by dividing the system test set into four non-overlapping subsets as follows:
1. To identify the tests for stage one, select one test for each very high and high risk items identified in the quality risk analysis.
2. To identify the tests for stage two, select one test for each major functional area identified in the system requirements.
3. To identify the tests for stage three, select one test for each other risk item identified in the quality risk analysis for which test cases were generated.
4. Stage four consists of all remaining tests.
In which section of an IEEE 829-compliant test plan would you expect to find this statement?
A. Approach
B. Risks and contingencies
C. Staffing and training needs
D. Exit criteria
Read the correct Answers of the Above Questions
Read the Full Database of All Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q.71 to Q 80 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 71 | C |
Q. 72 | D |
Q. 73 | A |
Q. 74 | C |
Q. 75 | D |
Q. 76 | B |
Q. 77 | C |
Q. 78 | A |
Q. 79 | B |
Q. 80 | D |

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