ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification Exam-Sample Paper-Q. 71 to 80
Today we have added 70 more Questions to the Questions Bank.
Deep study of the complete set of 140 questions shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB CTAL Advanced Level Test Manager Exam. All these questions are based upon ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Syllabus V 2007.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 71 to 80)
Correct Answers to Earlier Q. 61 to 70 are at the end of this page:
Scenario: You work for a company that produces Ground X-ray machines and have just been assigned to work as the Test Manager on a newly-started project developing PC-based software to interpret the output from such machines using complex mathematical formulae. The software will be developed to work with the output from all Ground X-ray machines (including those from other manufacturers),
which output the X-ray data to an agreed international standard (note that this standard is currently in the process of being updated). The unique setting point of the new software will be that it provides users with a graphical user interface; while current similar software packages (both from your company and others) do not have this feature.It has been decided that the V life cycle model shall be used, using the following development phases.
# Analyze and Specify Software Requirements
# Specify Software Design
# Detailed Component Design
# Coding
Q. 71: Given the following test phases:
i. Component Testing
ii. Non-Functional Testing
iii. Component Integration Testing
iv. Hardware – Software Integration Testing
v. System Testing
Vi. Regression Testing
Assuming that acceptance testing will be included in your project test plan, which of the above would you also include?
A. ii, iii, iv
B. ii, iv, vi
C. I, iii, v
D. i, v, vi
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
In the V model there should be a corresponding test level for every development level (although code and unit test are often combined). Component testing corresponds to Coding, Component Integration Testing corresponds to Detailed Component Design, System Testing corresponds to Specify Software Design, and Acceptance Testing corresponds to Analyze and Specify Software Requirements. Non-Functional Testing is not a phase in itself – it is part of system testing. Regression testing, similarly, is not a phase i n itself, but used in several phases, while Hardware Software Integration Testing is not appropriate as the scenario does not require the software to interface to specific hardware (it is PC-based),
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Q. 72: Which ONE of the following do you believe is the greatest risk to this software?
A. The software will not be compatible with other manufacturer’s machines
B. The complex mathematical formulae will not be implemented correctly
C. The software will not be compatible with the new international standard
D. The usability of the graphical user interface is poor
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
The major new functionality provided in the new system is the GUI, and it appears the company hasn’t developed one before, hence the greatest risk is associated with this area. Compatibility with other manufacturer’s machines is not really relevant as the requirement is to be compatible with the ‘standard’ data. Compatibility with the �standard’ data is not especially high risk (given what we have been told) as it is relatively easy to test this as it wall be very well specified (in the standard). The complexity of the mathematical formulae is not high risk as the company has experience in this area, having implemented similar non-GUI systems before.
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Q. 73: Which ONE of the following do you believe would add greatest value to the testing on this project?
A. Employing external usability testing expertise
B. Using inspections on the development outputs
C. Auditing compliance with the X-ray data standard
D. Requiring 100% decision coverage of all code
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
As was explained in the previous question, the highest risk area is the GUI, and employing an external usability testing consultant is an excellent way to directly mitigate this risk. The use of reviews in the V-model is appropriate, but using inspections is overkill for a project of this criticality. Auditing is appropriate to check compliance with standards, but auditing compliance with a data standard is difficult compared to auditing compliance with a process standard and so will not be cost effective. 100% decision coverage of all code is, again, overkill for a project of this criticality.
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Q. 74: Which ONE of the following would you support as an approach to be used for acceptance testing of this software?
A. Contract acceptance testing
B. Alpha testing
C. Beta testing
D. Factory acceptance testing
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
The software is PC-based, which introduces compatibility/ configuration problems given the enormous variation in PC builds and configurations. The (relatively low) criticality of the application means that configuration and compatibility testing will not be cost effective, and gaining access to suitable test tabs is expensive. Beta testing will also allow users to interact with the software in a relaxed manner and should more closely represent normal use (compared to alpha testing in a lab at the company). Beta testing will also introduce the possibility of the software interacting with X-ray machines from different companies, which may implement the data standard slightly differently. Contract acceptance testing and factory acceptance testing (which are the same thing) are appropriate for acceptance testing when there is a single customer.
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Scenario: Your test team has been created by transferring the testers who previously worked on prior versions of the X-ray interpretation software, although one of those most familiar with the complex formulae has gone on maternity leave. It has been agreed that this team member can be replaced, and testers with the following traits are available for selection.
Q. 75: Which ONE of would you choose to join your test team?
A. With a background in X-ray interpretation formulae
B. Qualified to ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst level
C. Experience in GUI test automation
D. Experienced in usability testing
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
This answer follows on from the rationale that the highest risk is the GUI. GUI test automation might be useful; but we need good usability tests to automate first – hence the usability testing experience. As we are presumably not re-inventing the wheel and re-coding the formulae, then expertise in this area is unnecessary.
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Scenario: A rival company has announced that they are developing a competing software product and their published date for release is one month ahead of your planned release date, which is currently b months away. The project manager- has been told to move your release date to just 4 month’s time.
Q. 76: Which ONE of the following suggestions would you support to accomplish this reduction:
A. Change to an agile life cycle
B. Increase resources for development and testing
C. Change to a two stage incremental life cycle with the formulae and the user interface as the two stages
D. Reduce the planned testing
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
This to an agile life cycle will not make the development quicker at this point in time as we know what we want (the requirements are quite clear). Delivering in two increments is pointless as the formulae without the GUI (and vice versa) mean we will be delivering useless increments – and overall the development time will be longer. If we reduce the planned testing we will compromise the quality. We have no reason to suspect that we were ‘gold plating’ this development in the first place – so reducing quality will cost more in the long run, and may slow down time to market if we get more faults that block development and/or test progress. So the best answer is to add resources and get it down quicker that way.
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Scenario: You have been provided with a project test document that includes the following statements:
# Test completion criteria will be rigorously applied
# Unit testing will be performed as part of test-driven development
# User acceptance test cases shall be specified in advance
# User acceptance testing will be performed on a regular basis, every 3 weeks
# A regime of continuous reviews shall be implemented
Q. 77: Which of the following life cycles do you believe is most likely being used on this project?
A. V
B. Spiral
C. Agile
D. W
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
The test driven development, continuous reviews and 3 weekly acceptance testing are all major clues that an agile project is being described. The other two points (test cases specified in advance and rigorous application of test completion criteria) are both valid for agile as well as more traditional approaches.
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Q. 78: Which of the following types of test management document do you believe you have been given?
A. Master Test Plan
B. Phase Test Plan
C. Test Strategy
D. Test Policy
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
The document cannot be Test Strategy or Test Policy as in the ISTQB syllabus these are both organizational documents and the scenario explains we are looking at project test documentation. It cannot be a Phase Test Plan as it talks about different test phases – so it must be parts of the Master Test Plan.
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Q. 79: Give the following figures for the testing on a project, and assuming the failure rate for initial tests remains constant and that all retests pass, what number of tests remain to be run.
Tests planned | 1000 |
Initial tests run | 500 |
Initial tests passed | 350 |
Retests run | 80 |
A. 700
B. 720
C. 784
D. 570
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
If 500 tests have been run and 350 passed then 150 failed – hence 0.3 (150/ 500) is the failure rate. Of the 500 run, the 150 that failed need to be rerun and 80 of these have been run already, hence of the first 500, just 70 (150-80) are left to re-run. Assuming the same failure rate (0.3) then for the second 500 tests we can expect 150 to fail again so these will need to be re-run, giving 500+150=650 tests. If we acid the 70 remaining from the first 500, we get 720 (70+650).
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Scenario: The following figures for the testing on a project (with three main functions) show the number of risks at different levels of risk exposure identified and analyzed and the number subsequently mitigated bar the testing.
Q. 80: Which ONE of the following statements most closely reflects the above figures?
A. Risk-based testing was not used on the project
B. Risk based testing was used to target the highest risk functions
C. Risk-based testing was used to target the lowest risk functions
D. Risk-based testing was used to target the highest level risks
Explanation in support of the correct Answer:
The table with remaining risks is shown below. As can be seen the testing has taken out all the high level risks and most of the medium level risks hence the mitigation strategy was to target the highest level risks (irrespective of function).
Read the correct Answers of the Above Questions
Read the Full Database of All Questions
Correct Answers of the Earlier Questions – Q.61 to Q 70 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 61 | A |
Q. 62 | A |
Q. 63 | A |
Q. 64 | A |
Q. 65 | B |
Q. 66 | A |
Q. 67 | C |
Q. 68 | B |
Q. 69 | B |
Q. 70 | A |

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