ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst & Technical Test Analyst Exam – Sample Paper: Q. 121 to 130
Deep study of this additional set of 120 questions recently uploaded shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB CTAL Advanced Level Test Analyst & Technical Test Analyst Exam. All these questions are based upon ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Syllabus V 2007.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 121 to 130)
Correct Answers of earlier Q. 111 to 120 are at the end of this page:
Q. 121: Consider the following statements
I, Test with at least one representative from each equivalence partition
II. Test with the maximum and minimum members of each equivalence partition
III.Test to visit all states and transitionsIV. Test to cover all pairs of options across all pairs of factors
Which of the following statements about these coverage criteria is true?
A. I applies to boundary values, II to equivalence classes, III to state transition diagrams, and IV to pairwise testing
B. I applies to equivalence classes, II to boundary values, III to pair wise testing, and N to state transition diagrams
C. I applies to pairwise testing, II to boundary values, III to state transition diagrams, and IV to equivalence classes
D. I applies to equivalence classes, II to boundary values, III to state transition diagrams, and IV to pairwise testing
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Q. 122: Which of the statements are true about test process improvement models?
I. STEP (Systematic Test and Evaluation Process) urges requirements based testing strategy.
II. Customer satisfaction is one of the STEP assessments metric.
III. Staged or continuous representation approaches are used in CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration).
IV. Process improvement models cannot be combined together.
A. I and II true. III and IV false.
B. I, II and III true. IV false
C. IV true. I, II and III false
D. All of them are true
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Q. 123: You are implementing tests for an integrated system that will use three off-the-shelf components to manage a bank’s accounts-receivable system. You have finished creating and sequencing your test procedures. The test environments and test data are ready. Your test management system, which includes tracking of all test results, is set up in the test lab. Your vendors have arranged to send you a CD-ROM with their product on it at the start of test execution, and then developers will e-mail patches to the components as defects are found.
Based on this information alone, which of the following pre-conditions for text execution night not be satisfied?
A. Implementation of testware
B. Proper test data and environment
C. Test object configuration management
D. Defect management
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Q. 124: Which of the following statements best captures how boundary value analysis extends the concept of equivalence class partitioning?
A. Boundary value tests select two or more members of each equivalence class, checking for proper handling of the class at the extreme ends.
B. Boundary value tests select both valid and invalid representatives of each equivalence class, which equivalence class partitioning alone might miss.
C. Boundary value tests select extreme members of an equivalence class, while equivalence class partitioning alone selects central members.
D. Boundary value tests are not related to equivalence class partitions, since equivalence partitions are only defined on sets which do not have ordering of their members.
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Q. 125: Which of the statements are true about test cases?
1. All test cases should be automated
II. Test cases should be repeatable
III. Test cases should be traceable back to requirements
IV. Test cases should have expected results
A. I, II and III are true, IV is false
B. II, Ill and IV are true, I is false
C. III and IV are true , I and II false
D. All of them are true
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Q. 126: Which of the following is a typical defect that would be identified by a test derived from a use case?
A. A mishandled sequence of events/ condition combinations
B. An improperly interacting combinations of conditions
C. An exception workflow that results in an application crash
D. A pair o� configuration options that misbehave together
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Q. 127: According to the ISTQB syllabus, Test Analysis and Design phase metrics include,
A. Percentage of requirements covered by test conditions, percentage of test conditions covered by test cases and number of defects found during test analysis and design.
B. Percentage of requirements covered by test conditions, percentage of test conditions covered by test cases and percentage of test cases automated.
C. Percentage of requirements covered by test conditions, percentage of test cases automated and percentage of test environment configured.
D. Percentage of test cases automated, percentage of test cases executed and percentage of test environment configured.
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Q. 128: Consider the following excerpt from an e-mail:
At about 3:00 PM, things started to go badly in the test lab. We had a developer come in and announce that an emergency patch would be delivered shortly. That lead to some confusion among the test team as to whether they should continue testing. In the absence of the test leads and test manager (me), some of the testers decided to stop testing, leave the lab, and return to their desks to catch up on e-mail. This resulted in the loss of about 14 person-hours of testing by 5:00 PM, when the leads and I concluded our meeting with the development manager and then discovered what had happened.
Who might be an appropriate recipient for this e-mail?
A. The developer who interrupted the testing
B. The testers who decided to stop testing
C. The development manager
D. The test managers manager
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Q. 129: A UK based software company that builds software to the retail community. Software is tested by two testing teams located in two different countries like Singapore & India. Testers do not work for the main UK based software company. However, they have very good communication between the project team and well defined expectations for the quality of the software.
What type of test effort is described above?
A. In sourced
B. Outsourced
C. Distributed
D. None of the above
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Q. 130: Assume you are testing a banking application. You discover a simple way to have scripting language on a PC submit reciprocating transactions into test accounts. (Reciprocating transactions are those that cancel each other, such as transferring money to an account and then transferring it back again.) You set this script up to run automatically on software that runs In the bank branches during system testing, thus reducing the amount of testing you have to do of transfers and intra-bank checks.
This is an example of what test strategy?
A. Automate for the long term
B. Law-hanging fruit
C. Don’t automate what’s not automatable
D. Automate test case by test case
Read the Correct Answers of the above Questions
Full Database of All Question for Advanced Level Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst Exams
Correct Answers to the Earlier Questions – Q. 111 to Q 120 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 111 | C |
Q. 112 | D |
Q. 113 | C |
Q. 114 | A |
Q. 115 | A |
Q. 116 | C |
Q. 117 | A |
Q. 118 | B |
Q. 119 | C |
Q. 120 | C |

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.