IBM RFT Interview Questions: Q. 21 to 30
Q. 21: What type of file extensions are created while exporting Functional Test project items?
Functional Tester compresses a copy of the files into a data transfer file with the name specified by us.
It appends a .rftjdtr (Functional Tester, Java Scripting) or .rftvdtr (Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting) extension to it.
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Q. 22: Which Functional Test project items can be imported?
We can import project items like scripts, test object maps, Java files or Visual Basic files, and datapools into a Functional Tester project.
Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”>Functional Tester adds all the project items from the data transfer file into the project specified by us.To view and work with items in the data transfer file, we can use any file compression program which support the .zip format. We do not have to extract files in the .rftjdtr or .rftvdtr file before importing.
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Q. 23: What do we need for Recording a script in RFT?
First of all we need to configure our test environments, configure the applications, and create a project.
During recording a script, Functional Tester records any user actions against our application, like keystrokes and mouse clicks.
We can insert any features in our script, like a call script command, log entry, timer, script delay command, or comment by clicking the Insert Script Support Commands button.
The script and object map are stored in the project directory.
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Q. 24: What is helper superclass in RFT?
All Functional Tester scripts use a default helper superclass. These scripts extend the RationalTestScript class, and thereby inherit a number of methods like callScript.
Advanced users can create their own helper superclass if they want to add additional methods or override the methods within RationalTestScript.
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Q. 25: RFT provides how many type of deleteCookies methods?
RFT provides following two versions of the deleteCookies method:
1) One method deletes all cookies for the current profile or user.
2) Second method deletes cookies in a specific page or domain for the current profile or user.
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Q. 26: What is a test project in RFT?
A test project is the location where Functional Tester keeps all of the scripts, along with expected and actual results.
The format of the test project is governed by the environment being used by us i.e. either Eclipse for Java scripting or Visual Studio.NET for Visual Basic.NET scripting.
If we are using the Java language, we create a Java test project. However If we are using Visual Basic.NET, we create a .NET test project.
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Q. 27: How an application is started during recording the tests?
When recording tests, the application can be started by using a startApp command.
This makes playing back the tests more reliable because startApp uses the application configuration information.
Functional Tester will open either Java applications that we specify or HTML pages in our browser, or run applications in executable form.
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Q. 28: How can we create a new RFT script without recording?
When we don’t want to do recording, we can create a script to enter Java code manually.
In the new script, RFT includes import statements for files we need to compile the script and comments containing archiving information.
RFT uses the script name as the class name and sets up testMain, where you can add the commands to include in the script.
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Q. 29: How can we do recording in an existing RFT script?
We can do the recording in an existing RFT script by bringing our cursor to the desired location & just start the recording.
In this process we can start the application, insert verification points, and add all script support functions.
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Q. 30: How do we record scripts for testing HTML applications?
For testing HTML applications on a particular browser scripts are recorded in a usual way using following two steps:
1) Enabling the Web browser: Before being able to use the particular Web browser (like any of the supported versions of Firefox, Netscape, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla) to test with RFT, firstly we need to enable it.
Enabling of the browser can be done by clicking on Configure > “Enable Environments for Testing”. This will enable the environments for testing.
2) Configuring the HTML applications for testing: can be done by clicking on Configure > “Configure Applications for Testing” to specify information about our application and its environment.
For testing Microsoft HTML Applications (MSHTA), we need to run mshta.exe to configure each application desired to be tested.
Continue to Next Part : Q 31 to 40

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.