IBM RFT Interview Questions: Q. 11 to 20
Q. 11: How can we test the applications using RFT on Linux?
We can test the applications using RFT (Java Scripting) on Linux in following two ways:
1) We can record a script on Windows and export it to Linux & then play it back on Linux.
2) We can write our own scripts, by using the Test Object Insert tool. Instead of creating an object map through recording, we populate it outside of the recorder by opening the map and selecting objects in the test application.
Limitations of RFT on Linux is that it does not support recording. But we can insert verification points without recording, by opening the Verification Point wizard from the Script Explorer.
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Q. 12: What is the use of TestManagers in RFT?
RFT comes integrated with the two types of Test managers like:
1) TestManager: Includes the TestManager Log, running Windows and Linux remote playback agents, and test management features like running scripts as part of a test suite. RFT has its own logs and does not depend on the TestManager log integration.
2) ClearQuest Test Manager (CQTM): Helps us in associating functional test scripts to Test Cases and Configured Test Cases, and execute them. Using CQTM, we can analyze the received execution results (logs), and record those results for reporting and analysis.
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Q. 13: What is a Rational Test project?
A Rational Test project is used to store test assets like test plans, test cases, test logs, reports, and builds.
If we want to associate a Functional Tester project with a Rational project, we need to create a Rational project to store the test assets.
Use of the Rational Test projects is optional. Regardless of whether you use a Rational Test project, RFT uses a Functional Tester project, which is created from within the RFT.
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Q. 14: What is a Functional Test project?
A Functional Test project stores application test assets like scripts, object maps, verification point baseline files, and script templates. We need to create a Functional Test project before recording the scripts.
After creating a Functional Test project, we can use the project stand-alone, or optionally associate it with the current Rational project to take advantage of the Functional Tester integration features with TestManager.
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Q. 15: What is the utility of associating a project with TestManager in RFT?
By associating a project with TestManager, we can do the following:
1) Creating and playingback the scripts, including Functional Tester scripts, from Rational TestManager.
2) Using the TestManager Agent for playing back the scripts on a remote computer.
3) Viewing of scripts from the Test Scripts window of Rational TestManager.
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Q. 16: What are the benefits of associating a Functional Tester project with current Rational Project?
Following are the benefits of associating a Functional Tester project with the current Rational project:
1) Management of all the testing assets from one Rational project.
2) Record and play back all Functional Tester scripts from Rational TestManager.
3) Playing back a Functional Tester script on different computers using Rational Test Agents set up through TestManager.
4) Management of logs, including Functional Tester logs, using the Test Log window of TestManager.
5) Using TestManager reports to get information about the results of running Functional Tester test scripts and get coverage reports for a testing project.
6) Using TestManager suite to coordinate the way that scripts run.
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Q. 17: Why do we associate a Functional Test project with a Rational Project?
When we intend to use Rational TestManager for managing our tests, we need to associate the Functional Test project with a Rational project.
First of all we need to create a Rational project before we can associate a Functional Test project with a Rational project so that TestManager can gain access to the Functional Test project. When we create a Functional Test project, we can associate it with an existing Rational project at that time.
Remember that we can associate a Functional Test project with a Rational project if it is currently
not associated with any other project only. To associate a project with a different project, first of all we need to disassociate the project from the project to which it is currently associated.
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Q. 18: What are the restrictions imposed when we disassociate a project from the current Rational project?
Following restrictions are imposed when we disassociate a project from the current Rational project:
1) We cannot play back Functional Tester scripts, or test cases or suites that include Functional Tester scripts in the disassociated project from TestManager.
2) TestManager deletes the test script source from the disassociated project.
3) We cannot undo this operation. If we associate the Functional Test project with a Rational project again, TestManager creates a new test script source.
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Q. 19: How many buttons are available in Functional Tester Projects view banner?
Functional Tester Projects view banner has following three buttons:
1) Connect to a Functional Test Project: This button allows us to connect to an existing Functional Tester project.
2) Refresh Projects: This button enables us to repaint the display to reflect changes.
3) Synchronize with Editor: This button scrolls in the tree hierarchy to the name of the script currently displayed in the Java Editor.
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Q. 20: Which Functional Test project items can be exported?
We can export project items like scripts, test object maps, Java files or Visual Basic files, and datapools to another Functional Tester project.
When we export a script, Functional Tester includes all necessary files, like shared test object maps, even though it was not selected by us.
Continue to Next Part : Q 21 to 30

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.