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IBM RFT Interview Questions: Q. 1 to 10
Q. 1: What is the Process of test automation by using Rational Functional Tester?
Test automation process using RFT involves following three steps.
1) Recording of Test Scripts: is done on the fly, as users navigate the application. Verification points can be inserted to validate the system response. This makes test scripts data-driven to enable execution of the same script on variety of data inputs.
2) Enhancing the Test Scripts: Enhancements like conditional branching, refactoring, and exception handling are done in test scripts to perform various additional functions..
3) Playing
Back the Scripts: Executing the scripts on the application under test to emulate all actions as already performed by the user during recording. Logging of the discrepancies and drawing conclusion as to whether application functioned as desired or some regression issues need to be addressed.
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Q. 2: Functional Tester is available for how many development platforms & Languages?
RFT is available in two integrated development environments and two scripting languages like:
1) Functional Tester- Java Scripting uses the Java language and the IBM Rational Software Development Platform.
2) Functional Tester – VB.NET Scripting uses the VB.NET language and the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development environment.
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Q. 3: What is the use of Rational Functional Tester?
Rational Functional Tester can be used for performing following functions:
1) Doing the complete functional testing of the application.
2) Recording and playing back of scripts navigating through the application and test the state of objects through verification points.
3) Testing any object in the application, including the object’s properties and its data.
4) Creating and editing simple object-oriented test scripts.
5) Generating code through wizards, for example automatically creating a verification point through wizard.
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Q. 4: How various objects by identified in Rational Functional Tester?
In Rational Functional Tester object-oriented technology is used to identify various objects by their internal object properties and not by their screen coordinates. Thus even If the location or text of an object changes, Functional Tester can still find it on playback.
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Q. 5: What is the utility of a test object map in Rational Functional Tester?
Test object map gets created automatically while recording the script for the application-under-test. It provides a quick way to add objects to a script.
It lists out the test objects available in the application, whether they are currently displayed or not.
We can create a new test object map, either by basing it on an existing map or by adding objects as required.
It contains recognition properties for every object, hence we can update the recognition information in one central location. Thus any scripts using this test object map shall be able to share the updated information.
Test object maps created for HTML applications are generally more hierarchical than those created for Java applications. The top level of the test object map is a browser and the HTML application is inside the browser.
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Q. 6: What is the utility of a verification points in Rational Functional Tester?
Verification points can be inserted in the script during the recording to confirm the state of an object in the application.
The verification point captures the object information based upon the type of the verification point and stores it in a baseline data file. The information in this base file becomes the baseline of the expected state of the object during subsequent builds.
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Q. 7: How many types of verification points are provided by RFT?
Rational Functional Tester has two types of verification points like:
1) Object properties verification point
2) Data verification points – which are five in number like:
# Menu hierarchy verification point
# Table verification point
# Text verification point
# Tree hierarchy verification point
# List verification point
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Q. 8: How the RFT playback depends upon the platform and the browser?
The test playback in RFT is independent of the platform as well as independent of the browser. For example, we can record a script on Windows and play it back on Linux.
Since the script contains no references to the browser during the recording, we can play back the script using any of the supported versions of Firefox, Mozilla, Internet Explorer or Netscape.
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Q. 9: What are the host & test platforms supported by RFT?
Rational Functional Tester runs on the following Host and Test platforms.
1) Windows XP Professional
2) Windows 2000 Professional & Server
3) Windows 2000 Server & Advanced Server
5) Windows 2003 Enterprise, Standard & Server
Following platforms support all functions of RFT except the recording
1) Red Hat Linux Enterprise Workstation 4.0
2) SuSE Linux Professional version 9.0
3) SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0
4) Novel Desktop 10.0
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Q. 10: How many type of nesting of objects are supported by RFT?
Following two types of nesting of objects are recognized by RFT:
1) Parent-child nesting: This takes place when one object is contained within another, like a button on a form.
2) Owner-owned nesting: This takes place when the owned object has its own top-level window, like as a dialog box that is owned by a top-level window.
Continue to Next Part : Q 11 to 20
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