IBM RFT Interview Questions: Q. 31 to 40
Q. 31: What is the purpose of Test Object Inspector?
Test Object Inspector is used to get a display of the test object information in the running application. This information can be about objects like parent hierarchy, inheritance hierarchy, test object properties, non value properties, and method information.
The Test Object Inspector does not display the information for the test object under the cursor. Secondly the Test Object Inspector does not capture the objects in the application If it is not active.
Test Object Inspector automatically tracks the cursor and performs live updates immediately after the application is opened.
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Q. 32: What is the purpose of wait state feature for the objects during playback?
This feature is used to set a wait
state for an object during playback to check for its existence. Maximum Wait Time is the maximum number of seconds RFT is made to wait for the object to appear in the application during playback.This feature is useful when waiting for an object immediately after starting the application, or after other actions taking a long time.
To set a wait state for an object, we can either use the defaults, or we can set our own waiting time value.
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Q. 33: What happens to the related files when we rename a test aset?
We can easily rename a RFT script, test object map or other files in a project, with following consequences:
1) When we rename a script, RFT renames all its related files, like the helper script files, the private object map, and any verification point files.
2) When we rename a test object map, RFT updates associated scripts with the new name.
However after any renaming operation, we need to change any callScript commands in scripts which reference the old script name; otherwise, RFT shall logs an error when while running these scripts.
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Q. 34: What are the ways of saving test scripts in RFT?
RFT script files can be saved in following three ways:
1) Save the current test script or file
2) Save all test scripts and files
3) Save a script under another name
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Q. 35: What is the reason of Record Monitor going blank when recording against a Java or HTML application?
The Record Monitor turns blank while recording against a Java or HTML application when JREs or browsers are not enabled. Hence it is essential to enable the JREs for Java testing and browsers for HTML testing.
Due to this reason, it is suggested to leave the Record Monitor in view while recording. Thus if this problem comes we need to run the enablers.
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Q. 36: What is the use of Hover Feature during recording?
Hover feature is useful to move the mouse to a particular place during playback in an HTML application. It is useful for clicking on menus or links in HTML testing.
To use this feature, move the mouse pointer over the object for which we want to record a hover. Press and then release the Shift key to record the hover. This will cause the recorder to insert a hover() method in the script. At playback, the mouse will then be able to activate links and menus by hovering on them, instead of clicking.
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Q. 37: What is a a datapool?
Datapool is an external file which drives the Data-driven testing. Datapool provides inputs to the test.
Datapool is a a test dataset or a collection of concerned data records which supplies data values to the variables in a test script during test script playback.
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Q. 38: How Data-driving testing is helpful in RFT?
During data-driven testing, the script uses variables for key application input fields and programs instead of literal values so that we can use external data to drive the application being tested.
Data-driven testing uses data from an external file, known as a datapool. We can add data to the datapool after finishing the recording of the test script.
Since our data is separated from the test script, we can easily perform the following actions:
1) Modification of test data without affecting the test script
2) Addion of new test cases by modifying the data, without affecting the test script
3) Sharing of the test data with many test scripts
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Q. 39: What are the methods to select an object in an application under test?
There are two methods to select an object:
1) Object Finder Tool method : Is used to select an object and all descendents of the object. We can select one object, or select an object and the immediate children of an object.
2) Test Object Browser method: Is used to browse for the object that we want to select. The browser displays a hierarchical tree of objects in the application. The top level shows any applications being run. Under each top level, RFT displays the object hierarchy within that application.
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Q. 40: How many types of datapools are there?
There are two types of datapools like 1) Private datapool and 2) Shared datapool
Every test script that we create has a private test datapool associated with it. The initial private test datapool is a placeholder and is empty until we data-drive the test script, or add new data to it.
We can create a shared datapool by creating a new datapool, or we can associate a datapool with several test scripts to share a datapool.
Continue to Next Part : Q 41 to 50

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
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