HP QTP Question Bank: Q. 141 to 150
Q. 141: What are the various options for configuring Random Number Parameters?
1) Numeric range: This option specifies the range from which the random number is generated. By default, the random number range is between 0 and 100. We can modify the range by entering different values in the From and To boxes. The range must be between 0 and 2147483647 (inclusive).
2) Name: This option assigns a name to our parameter. Assigning a name to a random parameter enables us to use the same parameter several times in our test. We can select an existing named parameter or create a new named parameter by entering a new, descriptive name.
3) Generate new random number: This option defines the generation timing for a named random parameter. This box is enabled when we select the Name check box. We can select one of the following options:
a) For each action iteration: This option generates a new number at the end of each action iteration.
b) For each test iteration: This option generates a new number at the end of each global iteration.
c) Once per entire test run: This option generates a new number the first time the parameter is used. The same number is used for the parameter throughout the test run.
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Q. 142: How do we use Random Number Parameters for Non-Numeric Values?
Random number parameters are not suitable for non-numeric values, such as text or hypertext links.
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Q. 143: What is the use of Data Driver in parameterizing the tests?
Data Driver help us to quickly parameterize several property values for test objects, checkpoints, and method arguments containing the same constant value within a given action.
We can choose to replace all occurrences of a selected constant value with a parameter, in the same way that we can use a Find and Replace All operation instead of a step-by-step Find and Replace process. QTP can show us each occurrence of the constant so that we can decide whether or not to parameterize the value.
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Q. 144: Can we use Data Driver to parameterize the VBScript functions?
We cannot use the Data Driver to parameterize the values of arguments for user-defined methods or VBScript functions.
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Q. 145: What is the use of Step-by-step parameterization option in Data Driver wizard?
Step-by-step parameterization enables us to view the current values of each step containing the selected value. For each step, we can choose whether or not to parameterize the value and if so, which parameterization options we want to use.
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Q. 146: What is the use of Parameterize All option in Data Driver wizard?
Parameterize all option enables us to parameterize all occurrences of the selected value throughout the action. We set our parameterization preferences one time and the same options are applied to all occurrences of the value.
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Q. 147: What is an Output Value Step in QTP?
An output value step is a step in which one or more values are captured at a specific point in our test and stored for the duration of the run session. The values can later be used as input at a different point in the run session.
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Q. 148: What is the purpose of creating Output Value Steps in QTP
When we create output value steps, we can determine where the values are stored during the run session and how they can be used. During the run session, QTP retrieves each value at the specified point and stores it in the specified location. When the value is needed later in the run session, QTP retrieves it from this location and uses it as required.
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Q. 149: What are the various categories of output values in QTP?
we can create following categories of output values:
1) Standard output values
2) Text and text area output values
3) Table output values
4) Database output values
5) XML output values
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Q. 150: What is the purpose of Standard Output Values in QTP?
we can use standard output values for following:
1) To output the property values of most objects. For example, in a Web-based application, the number of links on a Web page may vary based on the selections a user makes on a form on the previous page. We can create an output value in our test to store the number of links on the page.
2) To output the contents of table cells.
3) To output text strings by specifying the text property of the object as an output value.
Continue to Next Part : Q 151 to 160

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.