HP QTP Question Bank: Q. 131 to 140
Q. 131: What is the use of Data Table formula in parametrization of data tables?
Data Table formula option inserts two columns in the Data Table. The first column contains a formula that checks the validity of output in the second column.
QTP uses the data in the output column to compute the formula, and inserts a value of TRUE or FALSE in the table cell of the formula column. This option is available only for the checkpoints.
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Q. 132: What is the use of Global Data Table parameters in QTP?
Global Data Table parameters take data from the Global sheet in the Data Table. The Global sheet contains the data that replaces
global parameters in each iteration of the test.By default, the test runs one iteration for each row in the Global sheet of the Data Table. Using the Run tab of the Test Settings dialog box, we can also set the test to run only one iteration, or to run iterations on specified rows within the Global sheet of the Data Table. We can use the parameters defined in the Global data sheet in any action.
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Q. 133: What is the use of Local Data Table parameters in QTP?
Local Data Table parameters take data from the action�s sheet in the Data Table. The data in the action�s sheet replaces the action�s Data Table parameters in each iteration of the action. By default, actions run only one iteration.
If we have multiple rows in a local data sheet, the corresponding action runs multiple times before running the next action in the test.
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Q. 134: What is the use of Environment parameters in QTP?
Environment parameters are useful for localization testing, when we want to test an application where the user interface strings change, depending on the selected language. Environment parameters can be used for testing the same application on different browsers. We can also vary the input values for each language by selecting a different Data Table file each time we run the test.
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Q. 135: What are the types of Environment Variables in QTP?
1) User-Defined Internal Variables: These are the variables that we define within the test. These variables are saved with the test and are accessible only within the test in which they were defined.
2) User-Defined External Variables: These are the variables that we predefine in the active external environment variables file. We can create as many files as we want and select an appropriate file for each test, or change files for each test run.
3) Built-in Variables: These are the variables that represent information about the test and the computer on which the test is run, such as Test path and Operating system. These variables are accessible from all tests, and are designated as read-only.
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Q. 136: How do we use User-Defined External Environment Variables in QTP?
We can create a list of variable-value pairs in an external file in .xml format. We can then select the file as the active external environment variable file for a test and use the variables from the file as parameters.
We can set up your environment variable files manually, or we can define the variables in the Environment tab of the Test Settings dialog box and use the Export button to create the file with the correct structure.
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Q. 137: Can we create many external variable files with same names & different values?
we can create several external variable files with the same variable names and different values and then run the test several times, using a different file each time. This is quite useful for localization testing.
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Q. 138: How to use Environment Variable Files with Quality Center?
When working with Quality Center and environment variable files, we must save the environment variable file as an attachment in our Quality Center project before we specify the file in the Environment tab of the Test Settings dialog box.
We can add a new or an existing environment variable file to our Quality Center project. Note that adding an existing file from the file system to a Quality Center project creates a copy of the file in Quality Center. Thus, once we save the file to the project, changes made to the Quality Center environment variable file will not affect the file system file and vice versa.
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Q. 139: Where do we use Built-in Environment Variables in QTP?
QTP provides a set of built-in variables that enable us to use current information about the test and the QTP computer running our test. These can include the test name, the test path, the operating system type and version, and the local host name.
For example, we may want to perform different checks in our test based on the operating system being used by the computer that is running the test. To do this, we could include the OSVersion built-in environment variable in an If statement.
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Q. 140: What are the options available for configuring Environment Variable Parameters?
1) Name option: Specifies the name of the parameter. For an internal user-defined environment variable parameter, we can create a new parameter by using the default parameter name or entering a new, descriptive name. Alternatively, we can select an existing internal user-defined environment variable parameter from the list.
2) Value option: Specifies the value of the parameter. We can enter the value for a new user-defined internal parameter, or modify the value for an existing user-defined internal parameter. External and built-in environment variable parameter values cannot be modified in this dialog box.
3) Type option: Specifies the type of environment variable parameter which are read-only:
a) Internal User-Defined
b) External User-Defined
c) Built-in
4) Regular expression option: Sets the value of the parameter as a regular expression. This option is available only when parameterizing a checkpoint or object property text string value, and the selected environment variable parameter type is internal user-defined.
Continue to Next Part : Q 141 to 150
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