Silk Test Interview Questions: Q. 31 to 40
Set of 10 Questions
Q. 31: How to run a test case from a test script file?
A test script file can store multiple test cases. You can run a testcase from a test script file:
Open the test script file.
Select the test case in the test file.
Click Run/Testcase menu. The Run Testcase dialog box shows up.
Click the Run button. SilkTest starts to run the test case.
Do not touch mouse or keyboard, to avoid interrupting the test case execution.
SilkTest finishes executing the testcase. The Restuls window shows up with the execution result.
Review the execution result
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Q. 32: How can we get the IP address of a PC?
This can be done by using the following
[ ] INTEGER iReturn
[ ] STRING sCmdLine = “ipconfig”
[ ] LIST OF STRING lsOutput
[ ] iReturn = SYS_Execute (sCmdLine , lsOutput)
[ ] listprint(lsOutput)
output is
[ ] Windows IP Configuration
[ ] Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
[ ] Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
[ ] IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 1x.2xx.2xx.79
[ ] Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : 255.255.0.
[ ]Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
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Q. 33: What’s in the test result file?
Result summary: The name of the script file. The name of the testcase. The machine on which the tests ran.
The starting time and the total elapsed time.
The number and percentage of testcases that passed and failed. The total number of errors and warnings.
Result detail: List of errors and detailed information.
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Q. 34: How can we link an error in the result file to the script file?
Make sure the Result window is open with result file.
Click Results/Pass/Fail Report. The Pass/Fail Report dialog box shows up.
Select an attribute on which you want the report to be based on. For example: Component.
Click the Generate button.
SilkTest generates a report in the Pass/Fail Report dialog box.
You can print or export the report.
Click the Close button to close the Pass/Fail Report dialog box.
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Q. 35: What is DBTester?
DBTester is a testing tool that allows you to access a database server directly through ODBC drivers.
If your application is a database driven application, you can perform a test through the application UI, and verify data changes in the database with DBTester without using the application UI.
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Q. 36: What are the functions offered by DBTester?
DBTester offers 6 functions. You can use them directly in your test cases:
1) DB_Connect: Opens a database connection linking the data through the specified OBDC DSN name. DB_Connect returns a connection handle which can be used on other DBTester functions. SQL statements can be submitted to the database. For example: con = DB_Connect(“dsn=dsn_name”)
2) DB_Disconnect: Closes the database connection represented by the speficied connection handle. All resources related to this connect are also released. For example: DB_Disconnect(con)
3) DB_ExecuteSql: Sends the specified SQL statement to the specified database connection for execution. DB_ExecuteSql returns a query result handler which can be used by the
DB_FetchNext function. For example: res = DB_ExecuteSql(con, “SELECT * FROM …”)
4) DB_FetchNext: Retrieves the next row from the specified query result handler. For example: DB_FetchNext(res, col1, col2, col3, …)
5) DB_FetchPrevious: Retrieves the previous row from the specified query result handler.
6) DB_FinishSql: Closes the specified query result handler. For example: DB_FinishSql(res)
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Q. 37: How to create group and sub group descriptions in a Testplan?
In a Testplan, each text line starting from column 0 represents a top level group description. To create sub group description:
Move the cursor the next line below the top level group description.
Click Outline/Move Right.
The text line will be indented to the right to be come a sub group description.
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Q. 38: How can we create group and sub group descriptions in a testplan? Can SilkTest Verify Locations of Ads?
Yes you can, but the location may vary from 1 system to another? from one resolution to another.
You can use the .GetRect () method. Or you can use the verify properties (hold ctrl-shift while recording testcases)and select the location for a property
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Q. 39: How to define values for a Testplan attribute?
Make sure your test project is open.
Click Testplan/Define Attributes menu. The Define Attributes dialog box shows up. You should see 3 predefined default attributes and other attributes defined by yourself.
Select an attribute. For example, “Component”. The Values box should be empty.
Enter a value in Add box. For example, “Catalog”.
Click Add. Value “Catalog” should be inserted into the Values box.
Repeat the last two steps to add more values.
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Q. 40: Where are the testplan attributes stored?
Testplan attributes are stored in the testplan initialization file, testplan.ini, in SilkTest installation directory.
Next Set of Silk Test Interview Questions: Q. 41 to 50
An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.