PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 811 to 820
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 811: Validate scope:
A. Improves cost and schedule accuracy, particularly on projects using innovative techniques or technology
B. Is the last activity performed on a project before handoff to the customer
C. Documents the characteristics of the product or service that the project was undertaken to create
D. Differs from perform quality control in that validate scope is concerned with the acceptance-not the correctness of the work results
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Documentation that the customer has accepted completed deliverables is an output of validate scope.
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Q. 812: Identify Stakeholders is the process of identifying all of the people or organizations impacted by the project and documenting relevant information regarding their interests in, involvement in. and impact on the project:
A. manager.
B. success.
C. deadline.
D. scope.
Section: Initiation
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Q. 813: Quality metrics are an output of which process?
A. Plan Quality
B. Perform Quality Control
C. Perform Quality Assurance
D. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
Section: Planning
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Q. 814: Which of the following outputs from the Schedule Control process aids in the communication of SV, SPI or any performance status to stakeholders?
A. Performance organizations
B. Schedule baselines
C. Performance measurements
D. Change requests
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 815: Which of the following processes is necessary to ensure that the project employs all processes needed to meet its requirements?
A. Perform Quality Control
B. Quality Policy
C. Perform Quality Assurance
D. Quality Planning
Section: Executing
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Q. 816: In which domain of project management would a Pareto chart provide useful information?
A. Project Scope Management
B. Project Time Management
C. Project Communications Management
D. Project Quality Management
Section: Executing
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Q. 817: You are developing your project schedule and have decided to use the PERT method to determine project duration. The estimates you’ve gathered so far include the following: Most likely is 200 hours, optimistic is 180 hours, and pessimistic is 220 hours. Which of the following is the correct PERT estimate?
A. 190
B. 226
C. 200
D. 210
Section: Planning
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
PERT’s expected value calculation is as follows: [optimistic + pessimistic + (4 x most likely)] / 6.
The calculation for this question looks like this: [180 + 220 + (4 X 200)] / 6 = 200.
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Q. 818: Which is an example of Administer Procurements?
A. Negotiating the contract
B. Authorizing contractor work
C. Developing the statement of work
D. Establishing evaluation criteria
Section: Planning
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Q. 819: How is the schedule variance calculated using the earned value technique?
A. EV less AC
B. AC less PV
C. EV less PV
D. AC less EV
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 820: Job satisfaction, challenging work, and sufficient financial compensation are values related to which interpersonal skill?
A. Influencing
B. Motivation
C. Negotiation
D. Trust building
Section: Executing
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