PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 621 to 630
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Set of 10 Questions
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Q. 621: Which document in the project management plan can be updated in the Plan Procurement Management process?
A. Budget estimates
B. Risk matrix
C. Requirements documentation
D. Procurement documents
Section: Initiation
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Q. 622: In the Plan Procurement Management process, which source selection criteria analyzes if the seller’s proposed technical methodologies, techniques, solutions, and services meet the procurement documents requirements?
A. Technical approach
B. Technical capability
C. Business size and type
D. Production capacity and interest
Section: Planning
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Q. 623: Using parametric estimating, if an assigned resource is capable of producing 120 units per hour, how many hours are required to produce 12,000 units?
A. 100
B. 120
C. 1,000
D. 1,200
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 624: When a project is undertaken to reduce defects in a product or service, the objective of the project is to create a/an:
A. improvement
B. program
C. result
D. portfolio
Section: Initiation
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Q. 625: The project manager at an organization has just realized that some of the engineering staff has been allocated to project Y and will not be available to finish task X. The project manager has also discovered that at the current pace, it will not be possible to complete the project on time. Due to cost constraints, hiring more workforces is not a viable option. Which tools are at the manager’s disposal?
A. Resource leveling and fast-tracking
B. Fast-tracking and crashing
C. Crashing and applying leads and lags
D. Scheduling tools and applying leads and lags
Section: Executing
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Q. 626: An output of the Plan Quality Management process is:
A. A process improvement plan,
B. Quality control measurements,
C. Work performance information,
D. The project management plan,
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 627: What is the function of a Project Management Office (PMO)?
A. To focus on the coordinated planning, prioritization, and execution of projects and subprojects that are tied to the parent organizations or the client’s overall business objectives.
B. To coordinate and manage the procurement of projects relevant to the parent organization’s business objectives and to administer the project charters accordingly.
C. To administer performance reviews for the project manager and the project team members and to handle any personnel and payroll issues.
D. To focus on the specified project objectives and to manage the scope, schedule, cost, and quality of the work packages.
Section: Planning
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Q. 628: Which is a tool or technique used in scope definition?
A. Templates, forms, and standards
B. Change requests
C. Stakeholder analysis
D. Project assumptions
Section: Initiation
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Q. 629: An activity has an early start date of the 10th and a late start date of the 19th. The activity has a duration of four days. There are no non-workdays. From the information given, what can be concluded about the activity?
A. Total float for the activity is nine days.
B. The early finish date of the activity is the end of the day on the 14th.
C. The late finish date is the 25th.
D. The activity can be completed in two days if the resources devoted to it are doubled.
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Total float or slack is computed by subtracting the early start date from the late start date, or 19 – 10 = 9. To compute the early finish date given a duration of 4, we would start counting the activity on the morning of the 10th; therefore, the activity would be completed at the end of day 13, not 14 (10, 11, 12, 13).
If we started the activity on its late start date on the morning of the 19th, we would finish at the end of day 22, not 25.
Insufficient information is provided to determine whether this activity can be completed in 2 days if the resources are doubled.
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Q. 630: Project management processes describe project work, while product-oriented management processes specify the project’s product. Therefore, a project management process and a product-oriented management process:
A. Overlap and interact throughout the project
B. Are defined by the project life cycle
C. Are concerned with describing and organizing project work
D. Are similar for each application area
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Project management processes and product-oriented management processes must be integrated throughout the project’s lifecycle, given their close relationship. In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between the two. For example, knowing how the project will be created aids in determining the project’s scope. However, the project lifecycle is independent of that of the product.
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