PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 571 to 580
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Set of 10 Questions
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Q. 571: The only Process Group that comprises processes that typically occur from the beginning to the end of the project life cycle is:
A. Planning.
B. Executing.
C. Monitoring and Controlling.
D. Closing.
Section: Planning
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Q. 572: Projects are undertaken by an organization to support the:
A. Product performance.
B. Budget process.
C. Collective capabilities.
D. Organizational strategy.
Section: Initiation
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Q. 573: What is the most accurate rough order of magnitude (ROM)?
A. In the Initiation phase, the estimate is in the range of +1- 50%.
B. In the Planning phase, the estimate is in the range of +1- 50%.
C. In the Monitoring and Controlling phase, the estimate is in the range of +1-15%.
D. In the Closing phase, the estimate is in the range of +1-15%.
Section: Initiation
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Q. 574: What scope definition technique is used to generate different approaches to execute and perform the work of the project?
A. Build vs. buy
B. Expert judgment
C. Alternatives identification
D. Product analysis
Section: Executing
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Q. 575: Which cost is associated with nonconformance?
A. Liabilities
B. Inspections
C. Training
D. Equipment
Section: Initiation
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Q. 576: The three processes of Project Cost Management are:
A. Estimate Costs, Control Schedule, and Control Costs.
B. Estimate Costs, Determine Budget and Estimate Activity Resources.
C. Determine Budget, Control Schedule, and Estimate Activity Resources.
D. Estimate Costs, Determine Budget, and Control Costs.
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 577: What cost control technique is used to compare actual project performance to planned or expected performance?
A. Cost aggregation
B. Trend analysis
C. Forecasting
D. Variance analysis
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 578: Which quality tool incorporates the upper and lower specification limits allowed within an agreement?
A. Control chart
B. Flowchart
C. Checksheet
D. Pareto diagram
Section: Executing
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Q. 579: Which process includes prioritizing risks for subsequent further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact?
A. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
B. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
C. Plan Risk Management
D. Plan Risk Responses
Section: Initiation
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Q. 580: Which of the following is the process of identifying the specific actions to be performed to produce the project deliverables?
A. Estimate Activity Durations
B. Sequence Activities
C. Define Activities
D. Activity Attributes
Section: Initiation
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