PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 501 to 510
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 501: The project manager needs to review the templates in use. The templates are part of the:
A. Enterprise environmental factors.
B. Historical information.
C. Organizational process assets.
D. Corporate knowledge base.
Section: Executing
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Q. 502: A project manager at a publishing company decides to initiate the editing phase of the project as soon as each chapter is written. Which type of Sequence Activities tool and technique is involved, considering that there was a start-to-start relationship with a 15-day delay?
A. Slack
B. Float
C. Lag
D. Lead
Section: Executing
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Q. 503: Risk exists the moment that a project is:
A. planned.
B. conceived.
C. chartered.
D. executed.
Section: Initiation
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Q. 504: Which tool or technique measures the performance of the project as it moves from project initiation through project closure?
A. Resource leveling
B. Parametric measuring
C. Pareto chart
D. Earned value
Section: Executing
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Q. 505: Which degree of authority does a project manager have on a project in a strong matrix organizational structure?
A. Limited
B. Low to moderate
C. Moderate to high
D. High to almost total
Section: Closing
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Q. 506: When a backward pass is calculated from a schedule constraint that is later than the early finish date that has been calculated during a forward pass calculation, this causes which type of total float?
A. Negative
B. Zero
C. Positive
D. Free
Section: Closing
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Q. 507: You are managing a project in an organization is characterized by with rigid rules and policies and strict supervisory controls. Your project, sponsored by your CEO who is new to the company, is to make the organization less bureaucratic and more participative. You are developing your project management plan. Given the organization as it now is set up, as you prepare your plan, you can use which of the following organization process assets:
A. Guidelines and criteria
B. Project management body of knowledge for your industry
C. Organizational structure and culture
D. The existing infrastructure
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
While you are managing a different type of project, the organization has managed projects before and therefore may have as part of its organizational process assets a project management template, which sets forth guidelines and criteria to tailor the organization’s processes to satisfy specific needs of the project.
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Q. 508: What’s budget?
A. Monitoring & Controlling
B. Executing
C. Planning
D. Initiating
Section: Executing
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Q. 509: Which of the following can be used as an input for Define Scope?
A. Product analysis
B. Project charter
C. Scope baseline
D. Project scope statement
Section: Executing
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Q. 510: Status of deliverables, implementation status for change requests, and forecasted estimates to complete are examples of:
A. Earned value management.
B. Enterprise environmental factors.
C. Organizational process assets.
D. Work performance information.
Section: Executing
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