PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 411 to 420
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 411: Which process in Project Time Management includes reserve analysis as a tool or technique?
A. Estimate Activity Resources
B. Sequence Activities
C. Estimate Activity Durations
D. Develop Schedule
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 412: The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract is called:
A. Close Procurements.
B. Control Procurements.
C. Plan Procurements.
D. Conduct Procurements.
Section: Executing
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Q. 413: Documented identification of a flaw in a project component together with a recommendation is termed a:
A. corrective action.
B. preventive action.
C. non-conformance report.
D. defect repair.
Section: Initiation
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Q. 414: What entity is assigned various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain?
A. Project management office
B. Project team office
C. Executive sponsor office
D. Program management office
Section: Initiation
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Q. 415: Forecasts, requested changes, recommended corrective actions, and organizational process asset updates are all outputs of which process?
A. Risk response planning
B. Risk monitoring and control
C. Performance reporting
D. Manage stakeholders
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 416: The Verify Scope process is primarily concerned with:
A. formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables.
B. accuracy of the work deliverables.
C. formalizing approval of the scope statement.
D. accuracy of the work breakdown structure (WBS).
Section: Initiation
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Q. 417: Project managers should pay attention to critical and subcritical activities when evaluating project time performance. One way to do this is to analyze 10 sub-critical paths in order of ascending float. This approach is part of:
A. Variance analysis
B. Simulation
C. Earned value management
D. Trend analysis
Section: Mix Questions Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Performance of variance analysis during the schedule monitoring process is a key element of time control. Float variance is an essential planning component for evaluating project time performance.
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Q. 418: Which type of management focuses on ensuring that projects and programs are reviewed to prioritize resource allocation?
A. Project
B. Functional
C. Program
D. Portfolio
Section: Executing
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Q. 419: Project or phase closure guidelines or requirements, historical information, and the lessons learned knowledge base are examples of which input to the Close Project or Phase process?
A. Organizational process assets
B. A work breakdown structure
C. The project management plan
D. Enterprise environmental factors
Section: Closing
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Q. 420: In project management, a temporary project can be:
A. Completed without planning
B. A routine business process
C. Long in duration
D. Ongoing to produce goods
Section: Initiation
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