PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1691 to 1700
Largest Questions Bank with All Unique Questions prepared by Project Management Experts as per the latest PMBOK
(Quickly Review Your Skills before appearing for PMI PMP Certification Exam)
Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1691: As a Project Manager, you are managing a project that has fourteen deliverables from outside vendors. One vendor has been in negotiations with a partner for more financing that could cause the vendor to stop production on one of your deliverables if they don’t reach an agreement. A rumor is out that the vendor’s plant will be shutting down because of this issue. What is the best course of action you should take?
A. Contact the vendor and discuss this problem
B. Start contacting other vendors as a backup plan
C. Change vendors as soon as one is found
D. Initiate the risk response plan created for this vendor
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1692: A team member has come to you and reported that the work due today is going to be five weeks late. The team member has requested that you do not report this to senior management. What is your professional and social responsibility to the project?
A. Report the status accurately and timely
B. Issue a status report that does not contain this information
C. Wait until you have some good news to report with the bad news
D. The manager has helped you so you won’t report the slip, hoping it gets back on schedule
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1693: A Project Manager has been contracted by a company to manage the development of a software business application. The Project Manager discovers that five of the software developers are contractors and do not have legal software licenses. What should the Project Manager do in this case?
A. Report this to the company’s senior management
B. Report this to PMI
C. Call the software vendor
D. Fill out a software piracy report
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1694: You learn that a former boss of yours who is a PMP has committed to his boss that 100% of the PMO that he manages at their company will be certified. They also don’t have any training budget, and can’t send anyone to training to qualify for the training requirement for the exam. The other problem is that one of the people who passed the test is 22 years old and going to junior college. You know that this person has been working in this area for only two years at most. When asked about it, you are told that they lied about the experience hours and the training required of the PMP application. What is the best thing to do?
A. Contact your former boss and let him know it’s not appropriate
B. Contact PMI to report the name(s) of the person(s), the name(s), of supervisor(s), and the company
C. Tell your old boss to hire you back or you will turn them into PMI
D. Ignore it because you don’t work there anymore
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1695: A Project Manager has been assigned to manage a project that requires two development teams. One team will create the server software and is local, and the other team will create the client software and resides in a foreign country. For the most recent 10 conference calls with the foreign country, the foreign team is consistently 15 minutes late to the meeting. How should the Project Manager handle this problem?
A. Report this to senior management
B. Review the customs and traditions of the foreign country
C. Call the development manager of the foreign country
D. Ignore the problem
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1696: The database project is approximately 85% complete. The project has had its challenges. As of the last status report, the project appears to be on track regarding cost, schedule, and scope. Senior management lets you know that the sponsor has some very serious concerns about the project. You don’t understand why based on the last status report. What would be the best action to take first?
A. Ignore senior management because the project is in good shape
B. Meet with the sponsor to determine the sponsor’s concerns
C. Tell senior management that the project is in good shape
D. Evaluate the schedule and budget to verify the triple constraint health of the project
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1697: A Project Manager is in the execution phase of a highly visible project and a major milestone is due in three weeks. The Project Manager has discovered that a vendor’s deliverable for this milestone will be five weeks late. What should the Project Manager do?
A. Do not report this problem in the status meeting
B. Meet with the team and brainstorm how to create a workaround for this problem
C. Halt all payments to the vendor until the deliverable is received
D. Report the status of the missed milestone
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1698: Senior management wants to estimate the costs of a project, but doesn’t want to spend a lot of time on a detailed analysis. What option should you suggest?
A. what-if scenario
B. bottom-up estimating
C. design of experiments
D. analogous estimating
Section: Planning
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
If you want to quickly estimate costs on a project you can use analogous estimating, which is when you use the total cost of a similar previous project as a baseline and make adjustments for any differences.
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Q. 1699: A Project Manager has been working on the quality process of a project at a major electronics manufacturer. This manufacturer is involved with various government and defense contracts as well. The Project Manager discovers that an employee has been reselling some repair material that he has declared as scrap material because they were discontinued, at a small profit on the internet. The item is very costly. What should the Project Manager do?
A. Report this to the company
B. Report this to Homeland Security
C. Report this to General Accounting Office (GAO).
D. Report the employee to the local authority
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1700: You are a Project Manager managing the building of a housing development. As the plumbing is being installed, you cannot find a building permit. As the Project Manager, to whom do you report this violation?
A. The construction company
B. The local city authority
C. The local county authority
D. The state authority
Section: Mix Questions
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