PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1701 to 1710
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Set of 10 Questions
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Q. 1701: You are a Project Manager who is involved in the procurement of $2,000,000 of infrastructure equipment. As negotiations begin between your company and the vendor, you realize that your brother works for this company but in a different department. What is your professional and social responsibility?
A. Because he works in a different department, you can remain on the project
B. Remain on the project, but remove yourself from the negotiations
C. Remove yourself from the project
D. Remain on the project, but help another Project Manager negotiate the contract
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1702: You are managing a project and the sponsor has removed the previous Project Manager on the project because they could not keep the project on budget. According to your current project budget, this project is over budget by $245,000. As the current Project Manager, you are afraid you will also be removed if you report this status. What is the best response you can tell senior management?
A. Report the delay to senior management and the reasons
B. Tell senior management the project is over budget by $245,000 with a plan to recover
C. The schedule is only two weeks behind so you don’t report the delay
D. Don’t report the delay and begin looking for a new job
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1703: As a Project Manager you have a professional and social responsibility to encourage the growth of project management at your company or industry. To help with this growth, you could do all of the following except?
A. Mentor others who want to learn more about project management
B. Create white papers on project management
C. Provide senior management with information on how outsourcing helps their companies
D. Train people on project management
Section:Mix Questions
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Q. 1704: You are beginning a new project and a portion of the development will be created by a foreign company. You are not sure how to do business with this company because it is offshore. What document would be best to guide you in this business?
A. Company’s policies and procedures
B. PMI Code of Conduct
C. Local laws of the offshore company
D. Historical information from past projects
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1705: A Project Manager has been working on the quality process of a project at a major defense contractor. The Project Manager discovers that an employee has been reselling some repair material that he has declared as scrap material at a small profit. The item is very costly. What should the Project Manager do?
A. Report this to the company
B. Report this to Homeland Security
C. Report this to General Accounting Office (GAO).
D. Report the employee to the local authority
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1706: You are the Project Manager on a project where $4M US will be spent on procuring telecom equipment. As negotiations begin between your company and the vendor, you are approached by the vendor’s sales representative who offers you a trip to Las Vegas if you can “help” the process along by ensuring that the contract has accelerated payment terms compared to typical contracts. What is your professional and social responsibility?
A. Decline the trip until after the contract has been signed
B. The work you have put in on the project has been demanding and you deserve the trip
C. Decline the trip and have it offered to your manager
D. Decline the trip because it is not in the best interest of the company
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1707: As a Project Manager, your first priority is to accomplish the work of the project. As a result of a project being complete, you have the opportunity to help those on the project become more educated on what worked well and what didn’t on the project. What is the best answer for gaining this experience and knowledge?
A. Historical information
B. Lessons learned
C. Assumptions
D. Constraints
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1708: The sponsor is conducting a meeting and a Project Manager is reporting that his project is behind schedule by three weeks and under budget by $80K US. You discover from the PMO that the project is behind schedule by eight weeks and is over budget. What should you do?
A. Notify senior management
B. Report the Project Manager to PMI
C. Ask the PMO to investigate the project status
D. Review with the Project Manager how this status was produced
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1709: You are a Project Manager managing the building of a restaurant. As the electrical wiring is being installed, you cannot find a building permit. As the Project Manager, to whom do you report this violation?
A. The construction company
B. The local city authority
C. The local county authority
D. The state authority
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1710: A Project Manager has been assigned to manage a project to develop a reduced price desktop computer for a company that does not have this expertise. The project is three weeks behind schedule and under budget. After calculating the estimate at completion (EAC), the Project Manager finds that the project will be $34,589 under budget, but is expected to take four weeks longer than expected. What should the Project Manager do?
A. Implement Gold Plating to make up for the difference
B. Bill for customer the total approved contracted amount
C. Report the current baseline project status and budget to the customer
D. Report the project status and budget to the customer
Section: Mix Questions
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