PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1481 to 1490
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1481: You are working on a project that management has decided to terminate early because the product was rendered obsolete by the introduction of new technology by a competitor. You have awarded a contract for part of the project that will be terminated, and fortunately, have a clause that enables you to terminate it for convenience at any time. This means that:
A. Your contractual obligations are complete once you issue the termination for convenience
B. You may need to compensate the seller for seller preparations and for any completed or accepted work
C. You need to compensate the seller only for accepted work that was completed prior to the termination order
D. Specific rights and responsibilities are determined once the termination order is issued
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Early termination of a contract is a special case of procurement closure. The rights and responsibilities of the parties are contained in a termination clause of the contract. Typically such a clause allows the buyer to terminate the whole contract or a portion of it for cause or convenience at any time. In doing so, the buyer may need to compensate the seller for seller’s preparations and for any completed and accepted work related to the terminated part of the contract.
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Q. 1482: Of the following, which one is NOT true concerning a contract?
A. It is a legal relationship subject to remedy in the courts.
B. It can take the form of a complex document or a simple purchase order.
C. It is a mutually binding legal relationship that obligates the seller to provide specific products, services, or results and obligates the buyer to pay the seller.
D. It includes a specific contract management plan.
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
A contract management plan is not pad of a contract. It is used to identify how the contract will be administered.
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Q. 1483: All of the following can be used in lieu of the term “bidders conferences” EXCEPT:
A. Contractor conferences
B. Pre-bid conferences
C. Vendor conferences
D. Project review meetings
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Bidders conferences are meetings with prospective sellers prior to the preparation of a bid or proposal to answer questions and clarify issues. They are a tool and technique in the conduct procurements process. Project review meetings are conducted to assess project performance and status.
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Q. 1484: Assume you are preparing your procurement management plan. A useful tool and technique is to:
A. Have a meeting
B. Use your risk register
C. Review the requirements document
D. Use your stakeholder register
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Meetings are another tool and technique in plan procurement management. They are held as research alone may not provide specific information for a procurement strategy without additional information exchange with potential bidders. Through collaborating with potential bidders the organization purchasing the material or service may benefit. Suppliers may benefit to influence a mutually beneficial approach or product.
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Q. 1485: Your role in the project includes helping to resolve problems; making recommendations regarding priorities; accelerating activities to meet the target schedule; promoting communications among project team members; and helping management monitor the project’s progress on a regular basis. Most of the people working on your project are scientists or technical experts. You are working in which of the following types of organizational structures?
A. Task force
B. Balanced matrix
C. Project expeditor
D. Project coordinator
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
A variation of the weak matrix organizational structure, the project expeditor has no formal authority to make or enforce decisions. Nonetheless, the project expeditor must be able to persuade those in authority to maintain the project’s visibility so that resources will be allocated as needed to meet the project’s schedule, budget, and quality constraints. This approach is considered to be effective in high-technology and research and development environments.
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Q. 1486: In order for a matrix organizational approach to be successful, the two-boss situation should be resolved. To overcome the two-boss problem, it is important to:
A. Have the project manager and the functional manager work together to complete performance evaluations
B. Prepare a responsibility chart to define responsibilities
C. Guarantee a balance of power between the functional manager and the project manager
D. Promote interface relationship management
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
In a matrix environment, project team members have two bosses: the project manager and their functional line manager. People often are unclear as to which manager is their “real” boss, as there may be a continual shifting balance of power. To avoid confusion regarding performance issues, it is a best practice to have the project manager and functional line manager complete the individual’s performance evaluations. Also, greater weight should be given to the project manager’s assessment for the time the individual actually worked on the project.
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Q. 1487: The resource calendar is an output of which following process?
A. Develop project team
B. Acquire project team
C. Estimate activity durations
D. Manage project team
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The resource calendar is an output from the acquire project team process. Other outputs are project staff assignments and updates to the project management plan, especially the human resource management plan. A resource calendar is also an output of the develop human resource plan process as part of the staffing management plan and the conduct procurements process.
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Q. 1488: An intentional activity to ensure future performance of project work is aligned with the project management plan is:
A. Preventive action
B. Corrective action
C. Implemented change requests
D. Work performance information
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
As a specific subset of change requests, approved preventive actions are an input to the direct and manage project work process. Such actions are intentional to ensure the future performance of the project work is aligned with the project management plan.
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Q. 1489: Close procurements is a process that involves includes activities for the administrative closure such as:
A. Customer acceptance and final payment
B. Audit project success or failure and archiving records
C. Final contractor payment and lessons learned
D. Transition of the final product and acceptance of deliverables
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Administrative closure includes step-by-step methodologies that address: actions and activities necessary to satisfy completion or exit criteria for the phase or the project; actions or activities to transfer the products, services, or results to the next phase or to production or operations; and activities to collect project or phase records, audit success or failure, gather lessons learned, and archive information for future use in the organization.
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Q. 1490: As a project manager, not only must you be a leader, but you also must be responsible for the management, administrative, and technical aspects of the project. Which following skill is NOT representative of the skills needed for project leadership/interpersonal relations?
A. Influencing the organization by sharing power and getting others to cooperate toward common goals
B. Creating an environment to meet project objectives while offering maximum self-satisfaction related to what people value the most
C. Helping a group of people bound by a common sense of purpose to work interdependently with each other
D. Understanding of policies, operating procedures, and regulations of external stakeholder organizations
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Successful project managers have expertise and skills in all three following areas: leadership/interpersonal, project management/ administration, and technical. The understanding of policies, operating procedures, and regulations of external stakeholder organizations is representative of project management/administrative skills, not leadership/interpersonal skills.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.