PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1191 to 1200
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1191: Information received from stakeholders concerning project operations can be distributed and used to modify or improve future performance of the project. This modification or improvement is done as an update to organizational process assets during which the following process?
A. Plan communications management
B. Distribute information
C. Manage communications
D. Report performance
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Feedback from stakeholders is an example of an organizational process asset to update as a result of the manage communications process.
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Q. 1192: General management skills relevant to the manage communications process include:
A. Operational planning
B. Organizational behavior
C. Setting and managing expectations
D. Influencing the organization
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Communications skills are part of general management skills, and setting and managing expectations are an example in manage communications. This helps create, collect, distribute, store, retrieve, and ultimately dispose of project information according to the communications management plan.
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Q. 1193: Changes in the report formats and lessons learned documents process should trigger changes to the:
A. Project management plan and performance reporting system
B. Integrated change control system and the communications management plan
C. Monitor and control project process and the project management plan
D. Organizational process assets updates
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Any changes in report formats or lessons learned documentation are organizational process asset updates as an output of control communications. The documentation may become part of the historical data base for both the project and the organization.
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Q. 1194: One way to determine how to best update and communicate project performance and respond to stakeholder information requests is to:
A. Review the effectiveness of the communications management plan
B. Set up a portal
C. Hold meetings
D. Distribute performance reports
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Meetings are a tool and technique in control communications. They can be face to face or online and in different locations and may include not only the project team but also suppliers, vendors, and other stakeholders.
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Q. 1195: The purpose of work performance data in control communications is to present the results of the comparative analysis to the:
A. Performance measurement baseline
B. Communications management plan
C. Stakeholder management plan
D. Deliverable status
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Wok performance data are an input in control communications. These data organize and summarize information gathered and present the results of comparative analysis to the performance measurement baseline.
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Q. 1196: Because communications planning often is linked tightly with enterprise environmental factors, which one of the following statements is true?
A. The project’s organizational structure has a major effect on the project’s communications requirements.
B. Standardized guidelines, work instructions, and performance measurement criteria are key items to consider.
C. Procedures for approving and issuing work authorizations should be taken into consideration.
D. Criteria and guidelines to tailor standard processes to the specific needs of the project should be stated explicitly.
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Enterprise environmental factors undoubtedly will influence the project’s success and must be considered because communication must be adapted to the project environment.
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Q. 1197: You are working on a project with 15 stakeholders. The number of communication channels on this project is:
A. 15
B. 105
C. 210
D. 225
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The formula for determining the number of communication channels is n(n – 1)/2, where n = the number of stakeholders: 15(15 – 1)/2 = (15)(14)/2 = 105. It is important to note that project managers must plan the project’s communications requirements carefully, limiting who will communicate with whom given the potential for confusion when multiple communications channels can exist.
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Q. 1198: Which of the following formulas calculates the number of communication channels in a project?
A. Option a
B. Option b
C. Option c
D. Option d
Section:Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Where n = the number of stakeholders.
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Q. 1199: As the project manager, you have the option of proposing one of three systems to a client: a full-featured system that not only satisfies the minimum requirements but also offers numerous special functions (the “Mercedes”); a system that meets the client’s minimum requirements (the “Yugo”); and a system that satisfies the minimum requirements plus has a few extra features (the “Toyota”). The on-time records and associated profits and losses are depicted on the below decision tree. What is the expected monetary value of the “Toyota” system?
Profit Loss
A. $9,900
B. $44,000
C. $45,000
D. $48,000
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
EMV Toyota = ($50, 000×90%) + ($10,000×0%) = $45,000+(-$1,000) = $44,000
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Q. 1200: A risk response strategy that can be used for both threats and opportunities is:
A. Share
B. Avoid
C. Accept
D. Transfer
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Risk exists on every project, and it is unrealistic to think it can be eliminated completely. There are certain risks that simply must be accepted because we cannot control whether or not they will occur (for example, an earthquake). Acceptance is a strategy for dealing with risk that can be used for both threats and opportunities.
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