PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1171 to 1180
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1171: The most common communication problem that occurs during negotiation is that:
A. Each side may misinterpret what the other side has said
B. Each side may give up on the other side
C. One side may try to confuse the other side
D. One side may be too busy thinking about what to say next to hear what is being said
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Effective communication is the key to successful negotiation. Misunderstanding is the most common communication problem. A project manager should listen actively, acknowledge what is being said, and speak for a purpose. It is essential to listen attentively ad communicate articulately.
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Q. 1172: You finally have been appointed project manager for a major company project. One of your first activities as project manager will be to create the communications management plan. As you match the stakeholder with the appropriate communication methods for that stakeholder, you could use any one of the following methods EXCEPT:
A. Interactive communications
B. Passive communications
C. Pull communications
D. Push communications
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
You can use several different methods to share information. Interactive communications are multidirectional in nature, such as conferences and meetings. Pull communications are those methods where the recipient finds the information at their leisure and gets the information that they want at their discretion. Push communications is targeted information sent to a select group but does not certify that the recipient actually has received the information, such as e-mail. Passive communications is more of a style of delivering the content or receiving the content.
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Q. 1173: As an output of plan communications, it may be necessary to update the project documents, which include the:
A. Stakeholder register
B. Corporate policies, procedures, and processes
C. Knowledge management system
D. Stakeholder management plan
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
In the plan communications management process the two documents that may be updated are the project schedule and the stakeholder register.
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Q. 1174: Sample attributes of a communications management plan include which one of the following?
A. Roles
B. Responsibilities
C. Ethics
D. Authority
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The communications management plan should identify the person responsible for communicating the information and the person responsible for authorizing release of any confidential information.
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Q. 1175: The process of conferring with others to come to terms or reach an agreement is called:
A. Win-win
B. Negotiation
C. Getting to “yes”
D. Confrontation
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Negotiation if done well increases the probability of project success and involves conferring with others of shared or opposed interests with a view toward compromise. Negotiating is required to achieve mutually acceptable agreements between parties.
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Q. 1176: The key benefit of the control communications process is to:
A. Sharing best practices with other project teams in the organization with lessons learned
B. Ensuring the information needs of stakeholders are met
C. Ensuring an optimal information flow among communication participants
D. Providing stakeholders with information about resolved issues, approved status, and project status
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
While control communications as a process monitors and controls communications throughout the project to ensure the communication needs of project stakeholders are met, the key benefit is to ensure an optimal information flow among all communication participants at any moment in time.
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Q. 1177: The issue log is useful in control communications because it:
A. Provides what has happened and is a platform for subsequent communications
B. Includes the project’s risk register
C. Organizes and summarizes information gathered
D. Serves as an information management system for communications management
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The issue log is an input to control communications and is used to document and monitor issue resolution. It can facilitate communications and ensure a common understanding of issues. In this process its information provides a repository of what already has happened in the project and serves as a platform for subsequent communications to be delivered.
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Q. 1178: As head of the PMO, you will receive performance reports for all major projects. You decided to set a guideline for project managers as performance reporting should:
A. Collect work performance information on the status of deliverables
B. Provide earned value data for project forecasting
C. Provide information at an appropriate level for each audience
D. Focus on cost and schedule variances rather than scope, resources, quality, and risks
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Performance reporting is a tool and technique in manage communications. Performance reports range from simple status reports to more elaborate reports. The emphasis is to ensure performance reporting provides the needed information for each audience level.
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Q. 1179: A simple performance report provides information on:
A. Percent complete
B. Customer satisfaction
C. Unacceptable variances
D. Scope creep
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
A simple status report may show performance information such as percent complete or status information for each area (scope, schedule, cost, and quality).
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Q. 1180: Communication is important when setting and managing expectations with the stakeholders. Which one of the following statements is NOT true regarding the importance of communications within a project?
A. Communications is one of the single biggest contributors to project success or failure.
B. Project resources should be spent primarily on communicating information that leads to project success.
C. Effective communications includes awareness of communication styles, cultural issues, relationships, personalities, and the context of the situation
D. Listening is part of communicating and is a way to gain insight into problem areas, managing conflicts, and making decisions.
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Communications is considered one of the single most powerful indicators of project success or failure. Effective communications includes an awareness of all types of filters that may be impeding or straining communications. Listening is vital to good communications. Resources also should be spent on determining where a lack of communications can lead to failure.
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