PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1161 to 1170
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1161: Project managers for international projects should recognize key issues in cross-cultural settings and place special emphasis on:
A. Establishing a performance reporting system
B. Using good communication planning
C. Establishing and following a production schedule for information distribution to avoid responding to requests for information between scheduled communications
D. Using translation services for formal, written project reports
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
An effective way to manage cultural diversity on projects is for the project manager to get to know the team members and to use good communication planning. It is necessary to consider time zones and language barriers as well as cultural differences and to include a glossary of common terminology in the communications management plan.
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Q. 1162: You are managing a project with team members located at customer sites on three different continents. As you plan communications with your stakeholders, you should review:
A. Stakeholder management plan
B. Stakeholder register
C. Communications model
D. Communications channels
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The stakeholder register is an input to the plan communications management process. It contains the identified stakeholders including their name, position, location, and role; their main requirements, expectations, and potential influence; and whether or not they are supporters, neutral, or resistors of the project.
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Q. 1163: Having worked previously on projects as a team member, you are pleased to now be the project manager to develop a new process to ensure that software projects in your IT Department are considered a success and are not late or over budget. However, many of your team members are new to the organization. As you work to establish a high-performing team, you realize the importance of:
A. Mentoring
B. Coaching
C. Moving quickly through the forming and storming stages
D. Safeguarding information
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Many communications skills are common to both general management and project management. Coaching is one example. It is especially useful to develop the team to higher levels of competency and performance and helping people recognize their potential through empowerment and development. It is used to aid team members to develop or enhance their skills required to achieve project success.
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Q. 1164: As a project manager, you try to use empathic listening skills to help understand another person’s frame of reference. In following this approach, you should:
A. Mimic the content of the message
B. Probe, then evaluate the content
C. Evaluate the content, then advise
D. Rephrase the content and reflect the feeling
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Empathic listening requires seeing the world the way the other person sees it, with the goal of understanding that person’s views and feelings. Unlike sympathetic listening, empathic listening contains no element of value judgment. It is essential to listen actively and effectively and to question and probe ideas to help ensure better understanding.
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Q. 1165: Statements of organizational policies and philosophies, position descriptions, and constraints are examples of:
A. Formal communication
B. Lateral communication
C. External communication
D. Horizontal communication
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Formal communication provides direction and control for project team members and other employees. They also contain reports, minutes, and briefings and are examples of organizational process assets used in manage communications and in control communications.
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Q. 1166: You have decided to organize a study group of other project managers in your organization to help prepare for the PMP exam. What type of communication activity are you employing in your efforts to organize this group?
A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Official
D. External
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Communication activities have many potential dimensions to consider in exchanging information between the sender and the receiver. Horizontal communication occurs between or among peers, that is, across, rather than up and down, the organization.
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Q. 1167: Your company CEO just sent you an e-mail asking you to make a presentation on your project, which has been in progress for 18 months, to over 50 identified internal and external stakeholders. You have been conducting such presentations and holding meetings regularly on this important project. You should begin by:
A. Defining the audience
B. Determining the objective
C. Deciding on the general form of the presentation
D. Circulating issues to be discussed
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Meetings are held regularly on projects to update and communicate project information and to respond to requests from stakeholders for the information. Most meetings consist of stakeholders coming together to resolve problems or make decisions. Typical meetings begin with a defined list of issues to be discussed, which are distributed in advance with minutes and other key information relative to the meeting.
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Q. 1168: You are responsible for a project in your organization that has multiple internal customers. Because many people in your organization are interested in this project, you realize the importance of:
A. Conducting a stakeholder analysis to assess information needs
B. Performing communications planning early
C. Determining the communications requirements of the customers
D. Having an expert on communications management an customer relationship management on your team
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
On most projects, communications planning should be performed very early such as when the project management plan is prepared. This approach then allows appropriate resources, such as time and budget, to be allocated to communications activities.
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Q. 1169: Project managers spend a great deal of time communicating with the team, the stakeholders, the client, and the sponsor. One can easily see the challenges involved, especially if one team member must communicate a technical concept to another team member in a different country. The first step in this process is to:
A. Encode the message
B. Decode the message
C. Determine the feedback loops
D. Determine the medium
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
As the first step in the basic communication model, it is essential to translate thoughts or ideas into a language that is understood by others. Then, the message is sent using various technologies, and the receiver decodes it or translates it back into meaningful thoughts or ideas.
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Q. 1170: On your project, scope changes, constraints, assumptions, integration and interface requirements, and overlapping roles and responsibilities pose communications challenges. The presence of communication barriers is most likely to lead to:
A. Reduced productivity
B. Increased hostility
C. Low morale
D. Increased conflict
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Barriers to communication lead to a poor flow of information. Accordingly, messages are misinterpreted by recipients, thereby creating different perceptions, understanding, and frames of reference. Left unchecked, poor communication increases conflict among project stakeholders, which causes the other problems listed to arise. Then, the project manager must work actively to resolve conflicts so disruptive impacts are prevented.
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