PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 11 to 20
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 11: Which of the following documents allows the project manager to assess risks that may require near-term action?
A. Probability and impact matrix
B. Contingency analysis report
C. Risk urgency assessment
D. Rolling wave plan
Section: Initiation
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Q. 12: The project governance approach should be described in the:
A. change control plan
B. project scope
C. statement of work
D. project management plan
Section: Initiation
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Q. 13: How many Project Management Process Groups are there?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Section: Executing
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Q. 14: Who provides the inputs for the original estimates of activity durations for tasks on the project plan?
A. Project sponsor
B. Project manager
C. The person responsible for project scheduling
D. The person who is most familiar with the task
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 15: Which of the following change requests can bring the expected future performance of the project work in line with the project management plan?
A. Corrective action
B. Defect repair
C. Preventative action
D. Probable action
Section: Executing
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Q. 16: The PV is $1000, EV is $2000, and AC is $1500. What is CPI?
A. 1.33
B. 2
C. 0.75
D. 0.5
Section: Executing
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Q. 17: Which schedule development tool and technique produces a theoretical early start date and late start date?
A. Critical path method
B. Variance analysis
C. Schedule compression
D. Schedule comparison bar charts
Section: Executing
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Q. 18: Which conflict resolution technique searches for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to all parties in order to temporarily or partially resolve the conflict?
A. Force/direct
B. Withdraw/avoid
C. Compromise/reconcile
D. Collaborate/problem solve
Section: Closing
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Q. 19: On your project, you want to avoid bureaucracy, so you adopt an informal approach to change control. The main problem with this approach is:
A. There is no “paper trail” of change activity
B. Regular disagreements between the project manager and the functional manager will occur
C. There are misunderstandings regarding what was agreed upon by stakeholders
D. There is a lack of sound cost estimating to assess the change’s impact
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Using a formal, documented approach to change management reduces the level of misunderstanding or uncertainty regarding the nature of the change and its impact on cost and schedule. For large projects, change control boards are recommended.
Q. 20: Which piece of information is part of the WBS Dictionary?
A. Responsible organization
B. Change requests
C. Validated deliverables
D. Organizational process assets
Section: Planning
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