ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Theory Study Material Part 7
Have a deep study of this entire question bank containing theory portion with detailed explanation. This study resource is as per the latest syllabus.
Just 1 hr. of time spent in brushing up your knowledge just before the ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam shall be of great help in clearing it.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 61 to 70) with detailed explanation
Q. 61: What is “Pairing” in the context of Agile projects?
In Agile practices like Extreme Programming, pairing is used.
Pairing means – testers working together in twos to test a feature.
Pairing means – tester usually working collaboratively with a developer to develop and test a feature.
Pairing becomes difficult when the test team is distributed, but processes and tools can help enable distributed pairing.
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Q. 62: What is a work product?
# Work product is an output of a project.
# Work products are the lowest level of project outputs which are individually estimated, budgeted, assigned,
executed, measured and controlled.
# Work products can be in the form of;
1) tangible things like infrastructure installations or
2) Intangible things like presentations.
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Q. 63: What are Project Work Products related to Agile testing?
Project work products related to Agile testing are of three categories:
1) Business-oriented work products: These describe;
# What is needed – like requirements specifications
# How to use them – like user documentation
2) Development work products: These describe;
# How the system is built – like database entity-relationship diagrams
# How the system is actually implemented – like code
# How the individual pieces of code are evaluated – like automated unit tests
3) Test work products: These describe;
# How the system is tested – like test strategies and plans like manual and automated tests
# How the test results are presented – like test dashboards
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Q. 64: What are Business-oriented work products on Agile projects?
These include user stories or epics and each of them has an acceptance criteria associated with them.
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Q. 65: What are Developer work products on Agile projects?
These include code. Agile developers generally create automated unit tests after the development of the code.
In some cases, though, developers create tests incrementally, before each portion of the code is written, in order to provide a way of verifying, once that portion of code is written, whether it works as expected. While this approach is referred to as test first or test-driven development, in reality, the tests are more a form of executable low-level design specifications rather than tests.
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Q. 66: What are Tester work products on Agile projects?
These include automated tests, as well as documents like test plans, quality risk catalogs, manual tests, defect reports and test results logs.
The documents are captured in as lightweight fashion as possible. Testers produce test metrics from defect reports and test results logs, and again there is an emphasis on a lightweight approach.
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Q. 67: What are Test Levels?
# Test levels are the test activities which are logically related, generally by the maturity or completeness of the item under test.
# In sequential lifecycle models, the test levels are generally defined in a way that the exit criteria of one level become a part of the entry criteria for the next level.
# In some of the iterative models, this rule does not apply and Test levels can overlap. For example – requirement specification, design specification, and development activities may overlap with test levels.
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Q. 68: What is a typical sequence of the progress of test activities in a user story during iteration?
During iteration, all user stories typically progress sequentially through the following test activities:
1) Unit testing: generally done by the developers
2) Feature acceptance testing: is sometimes broken down into the following two activities:
a) Feature verification testing:
# It is generally automated.
# It can be done by developers or testers
# It involves testing against the acceptance criteria defined in the user story
b) Feature validation testing:
# It is generally done manually
# It involves developers, testers, and business stakeholders working collaboratively
# Its objective is to determine whether the feature is fit for use, to improve the visibility of the progress made, and to receive real feedback from the business stakeholders
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Q. 69: What is the parallel process of regression testing?
Sometimes the parallel process of regression testing takes place throughout the iteration.
It involves re-running the automated unit tests and feature verification tests from the current iteration and previous iterations
It is generally done via a continuous integration framework.
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Q. 70: What type of acceptance testing is done by Agile teams?
Agile teams use various forms of acceptance testing either at the close of each iteration, after the completion of each iteration, or after a series of iterations.
# Internal alpha tests and external beta tests
# User acceptance tests (UAT)
# Operational acceptance tests (OAT)
# Regulatory acceptance tests
# Contract acceptance tests
ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Theory Study Material Part 8

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.