ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification Exam – Sample Paper: Q. 21 to 30
Deep study of this set of 70 questions (Recently increased to 140 questions) shall be of great help in getting success in ISTQB CTAL Advanced Level Test Manager Exam. All these questions are based upon ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Syllabus V 2007.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 21 to 30)
Correct Answers to Earlier Q. 11 to 20 are at the end of this page:
Q. 21: In which order should the following test management documentation be
created?I. Project test plan
II. Test strategy
III. Test policy
IV. Level test plan
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Q. 22: Which of the following is a test policy statement?
A. ToolX within the Efficient tool set will be required for this project.
B. Projects across the company will make use of the Efficient toolset.
C. Training will be required in ToolX for staff on this project.
D. ToolX will be required for a period of one month.
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Q. 23: Which of the following could form part of the entry criteria into system testing?
I. 100 per cent decision coverage of all tariff calculations.
II. 100 per cent functional specification coverage of all household types.
III. Outstanding defects at integration testing highlighted.
IV. Test summary report for system testing produced.
V. Business requirements signed off.
A. I, II and III
B. II, III, and IV
C. I and III
D. I, III and IV
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Q. 24: Which of the following would form part of the entry criteria into unit testing (which will be followed by integration testing)?
I. 100 per cent decision coverage of all tariff calculations.
II. Signed-off program specification.
III. Signed-off technical specification.
IV. 100 per cent program specification coverage.
V. Compiled code.
A. I, III and V
B. II and V
C. I, II and III
D. III, IV and V
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Q. 25: A major bank has recently outsourced all of its software development in an effort to reduce its fixed costs. The new supplier will be responsible for all new developments as well as enhancements to existing ones.
The bank has retained its own management team for its projects. There will be an in-house project manager, development manager and test manager for each project. Some staff may work on more than one project, depending on the overall size.
An enhancement is being made to allow existing customers to authorise their own loans online, from �1k to �10k by answering a series of questions.
Which of the following best describes the usefulness of a test policy in this scenario?
A. The test policy will ensure that all members from both sets of teams understand what their roles and responsibilities are.
B. The test policy will identify the risks of each project, and ensure that all staff knows how to deal with them.
C. The test policy will ensure that all team members understand what is required by the bank to create high quality products.
D. The test policy will remind staff of the usefulness of using their own knowledge to conduct testing.
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Q. 26: The aircrew of a national air defence force has requested changes to the existing aviation software that provides on-board information about the combat environment. The air force is currently engaged in a peace-keeping mission in another country and has come under unexpected threats.
The development life cycle is the V model. The software house needs to change their test management process to ensure delivery at the right time and quality.
The software changes are coming in as the aircrew request them, as a result of their engagements with hostile forces.
The aircrew have requested that the changes are made as quickly as possible. The project manager has decided to revisit the test management process. The changes will come as small change requests. The team have worked on the project for over 25 years, with little staff turnover.
The project manager has asked for your advice on test estimation. Which of the following would you recommend?
A. Conduct a test point analysis on each change request definition.
B. Analyse data from previous projects to find changes similar to each change request, and use this to estimate the time required.
C. Ask the developers how long the change will take to implement and allocate 50 per cent of this to testing.
D. Ask the tester who will be doing the testing for a best guess.
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Q. 27: Which of the following is most likely to be found in a review of a functional specification?
A. Undefined boundary values
B. Unreachable code
C. A failure in the system
D. A memory leak
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Q. 28: Which of the following has learning as one of its main purposes?
A. Walkthrough
B. Informal review
C. Technical review
D. Inspection
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Q. 29: Which of the following always makes use of entry and exit criteria?
A. Walkthrough
B. Informal review
C. Technical review
D. Inspection
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Q. 30: A new system is being created. A form of iterative development, Agile development, is being used. The requirements capture process is typical of iterative development projects in that limited requirements are available. The functionality for the first iteration has been sketched out, but there is a real need for a quality system to be delivered, in good time.
Which of the following would provide the best reasoning for using walkthroughs on the first set of requirements?
A. They will ensure that managers understand what will be delivered for each iteration, so they can provide contingency.
B. Given the interest in quality, the requirements can be reviewed in detail, to ensure that the developers understand what is required.
C. Lessons can be learnt from the first iteration, which should help to improve on performance for subsequent iterations.
D. They will enable a wide range of stakeholders to understand what will be built and tested for the first iteration.
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Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q.11 to Q 20 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 11 | D |
Q. 12 | A |
Q. 13 | B |
Q. 14 | A |
Q. 15 | D |
Q. 16 | B |
Q. 17 | C |
Q. 18 | D |
Q. 19 | A |
Q. 20 | C |

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.
Thanks for providing useful information .. I always appreciate your efforts. But I would like to give you feedback on ISTQB Adv Test Manager Sample Qs. These questions are not upto the level of exam.
In exam we get various case studies specially on ‘RISK’. All the questions are based on Case Studies to attempt one should have practical knowledge on real time scenarios. I have gone through your all Sample Qs. These questions are not that useful for exam preparation.