HP Performance Center Certification HPO-M17 Skill Review Test: Q. 41 to 50
Objective Type / Multiple Choice Questions on LoadRunner under the Series
(Quickly Review Your HP Performance Center (Users Site) Skills before appearing for HP Certification Exam HP0-M17)
Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 31 to Q 40 are at the end of this page:
Q. 41: What information are included in a monitoring profile? (Select three.)
A. Servers to monitor
B. Which monitors to run
C. Measurements for each monitor
D. User privilege and access levels
E. Reserved timeslots and scripts used
F. Published results from previous test runs
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Q. 42: What does the Scalability Test determine?
A. If the system is broken
B. If the web server is up and running
C. If the application server is up to the task
D. If the system is scalable for increased load
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Q. 43: What does Vuser initialization refer to? (Select two.)
A. Access the User site
B. Prepare the Controller monitors
C. Prepare the Vusers for a load test
D. Gather available Timeslot information
E. Prepare the load Generator machines for a load test run
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Q. 44: Which statement is correct about the Top Time transaction?
A. The Top Time transaction is the most critical transaction to a customer.
B. The Top Time transaction is the fastest transaction when running multiple load tests.
C. The Top Time transaction is the first transaction in a load test when sorted alphabetically.
D. The Top Time transaction requires significantly longer time to complete than other transactions.
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Q. 45: When would you use the Ramp Down option?
A. When you want your test to finish faster
B. When the application has reached a threshold
C. When you want all Vusers to start simultaneously
D. When you want to measure Transaction Response Times
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Q. 46: How can you determine which Vuser scripts already exist in the project you are working with?
A. By seeing what tests are currently running
B. By clicking on VUser Scripts in the Projects menu
C. By checking the General tab of the Project Dashboard
D. By checking Personal Details for the user logged into the User site
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Q. 47: In Performance Center architecture, which component allows you to manage resources and supervise technical information?
A. Utility server
B. Database server
C. Administration site
D. Controller machine
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Q. 48: what is the objective of a debug run?
A. Execute a volume test that runs for four hours
B. Maximize the number of concurrent Vusers in a load test
C. Execute a stress test and break the application under test
D. Ensure the script runs without errors under concurrent usage
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Q. 49: What does the Ramp Up functionality allow you to configure?
A. specify how often Vusers stop
B. Specify how many Vusers to stop
C. Specify all Vusers to load gradually
D. Specify to run the load test in fast mode
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Q. 50: When working with the service level agreement, valid load value ranges are:
A. Values that you set
B. Values from 1 through 10
C. Values higher than 5 and less than 10
D. Consecutive values with no gaps in the range
Correct Answer of the above Questions
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Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q.31 to Q 40 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 31 | A |
Q. 32 | B |
Q. 33 | D |
Q. 34 | C |
Q. 35 | C |
Q. 36 | C |
Q. 37 | B |
Q. 38 | B |
Q. 39 | A,D |
Q. 40 | D |

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