Checklist for Testing the attributes of the system
The attribute testing involves verification of various quality and productivity related attributes of a system being tested. An example includes the ease of introducing changes into the software.
Following checklist offers many thoughtfully designed questions to help the QA managers & team leads in verifying the quality and productivity related attributes of the system.
How to use the following checklist:
1) We record the conditions or observed results by marking a checkmark in either of the 2 – data columns against various check points or defect statements on the checklist. 2) A checkmark in the “Yes” column against an item indicates that the checkpoint or the defect statement is True. 3) A checkmark in the “N/A” column against an item indicates that the checkpoint or the defect statement is not applicable. |
4) The checklist can be customized & additional columns like “Comments” etc. may be added which could provide useful assistance during analysis. |
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.