Software Testing Skill Review Test-Q 201 to 210
(Questions are useful for beginners as well as experienced QA Managers; who can review their skill before appearing in any interview)
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 191 to Q 200 are at the end of this page:
Set of 10 Questions
Q. 201: System testing include all the following except
A. Performance services
B. Security services
C. Usability services
D. Monitoring services
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Q. 202: Compatibility testing for products involves all the following except
A. Certified and supported client environments
B. High and low level sanity testing
C. Client and server side compatibility
D. Functional and non-functional compatibility
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Q. 203: Regression testing mainly helps in
A. Retesting fixed defects
B. Checking for side-effects of fixes
C. Checking the core gaps
D. Ensuring high level sanity
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Q. 204: Per economics of testing � optimum test is suggested because
A. Number of defects decrease along with extent of testing
B. Number of defects increase along with extent of testing
C. Cost of testing increases with the extent of testing
D. Cost of testing increases with the number of defects
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Q. 205: In a V-model of software testing, UAT plans are prepared during the
A. Analysis phase
B. HLD phase
C. LLD phase
D. System Testing phase
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Q. 206: What are the key features to be concentrated upon when doing a testing for world wide web sites
A. Interaction between html pages
B. Performance on the client side
C. Security aspects
D. All of the above
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Q. 207: Test Suit Manager
A. A tool that specifies an order of actions that should be performed during a test session
B. A software package that creates test transactions for testing application systems and programs
C. A tool that allows testers to organize test scripts by function or other grouping
D. None of the above
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Q. 208: A document describing any event during the testing process that requires investigation
A. Test log
B. Test Incident report
C. Test Cycle
D. Test Item
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Q. 209: The purpose of this event is to review the application user interface and other human factors of the application with the people who will be using the application.
A. User Acceptance test
B. Usability test
C. Validation
D. None of the above
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Q. 210: Recovery testing is a system test that forces the software to fail and verifies that data recovery is properly performed. The following should be checked for correctness
1) Re-initialization
2) Restart
3) Data Recovery
4) Check Point Mechanism
A. 1 and 2
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
D. 2 and 4
Correct Answer of the above Questions
Full Database of Skill Review Test for Testing Engineers
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 191 to Q 200 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 191 | D |
Q. 192 | A |
Q. 193 | A |
Q. 194 | D |
Q. 195 | C |
Q. 196 | C |
Q. 197 | D |
Q. 198 | A |
Q. 199 | B |
Q. 200 | A |

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.