Software Testing Skill Review Test-Q 131 to 140
(Questions are useful for beginners as well as experienced QA Managers; who can review their skill before appearing in any interview)
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 121 to Q 130 are at the end of this page:
Set of 10 Questions
Q. 131: Which of the following is not Risk characteristic
A. Inherent in every project
B. Neither intrinsically good not bad
C. Something to fear but not something to manage
D. Probability of loss
Questions relatedto “Software Testing Metrics”
Q. 132: What is the purpose of code coverage tools?
A. They are used to show the extent to which the logic in the program was executed during testing.
B. They are used as an alternative to testing
C. They are used to compile the program
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Q. 133: Four examples of test specific metrics.
A. Testing Effort variation, Defect Density, Testing Efficiency, Requirements tested.
B. Inspection, review efficiency, Testing Effort variation, Defect Density
C. Test scalability, Defect deviation, Testing Efficiency, Schedule variation
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Q. 134: Give one commonly recognized size measurement tool.
A. Effort analysis
B. LCO Analysis
C. LOC Analysis
D. Code Analysis
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Q. 135: Defect Density is calculated by
A. Total no. of Defects/ Effort
B. Valid Defects/ Total no. of Defect
C. Invalid Defects/ Valid Defects
D. Valid Defects/ Effort
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Q. 136: Effort Variation is calculated by
A. (Planned � Actual)/ Actual
B. (Actual � Planned) / Actual
C. (Actual � Planned) / Planned
D. (Planned � Actual)/ Planned
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Q. 137: Percentage Rework is calculated by
A. (Review effort + rework effort)/ Actual Effort expended
B. (Review effort – rework effort)/ Actual Effort expended
C. Rework Effort / Planned Effort
D. Rework Effort / Actual Effort expended
Questions related to “Quality Management”
Q. 138: Which is a true prevention mechanism
A. Verifying that the executable contains a defect
B. Detecting that the executable contains a defect
C. Validating that the specified requirements are right, complete, achievable, reasonable, testable
D. Verifying that the specified requirements are right, complete, achievable, reasonable, testable
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Q. 139: Objective of review meeting is
A. To identify problems with design
B. To solve the problems with design
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above.
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Q. 140: Metrics collected during testing includes
A. System test cases planned/executed/passed
B. Discrepancies reported/resolved
C. Staff hours
D. All of the above
Correct Answer of the above Questions
Full Database of Skill Review Test for Testing Engineers
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 121 to Q 130 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 121 | D |
Q. 122 | C |
Q. 123 | D |
Q. 124 | D |
Q. 125 | D |
Q. 126 | C |
Q. 127 | B |
Q. 128 | D |
Q. 129 | A |
Q. 130 | B |
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