Software Testing-Question Bank: Q. 71 to 80
Q. 71: What is a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)?
Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an information system. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of data processing. It is common practice for a designer to draw a context-level DFD first which shows the interaction between the system and outside entities.
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Q. 72: What is the Difference between Retest and Regression Testing?
When a bug is fixed by the developer, testing the same bug to ensure whether it has been fixed or not is known as retesting.
Whereas testing
the other features of the application which might be affected by the bug fix is known as regression testing.
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Q. 73: What is a Test Scenario?
Test Scenario is a set of test cases which ensure that the business process flows are tested from end to end. They may be independent tests or a series of tests that follow each other, each dependent on the output of the previous one.
The terms “test scenario” and “test case” are often used synonymously.
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Q. 74: What is Statement Coverage In software testing,?
Statement coverage is one of the ways of measuring code coverage. It describes the degree to which the software code of a program has been tested.
All the statements in the code must be executed and tested.
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Q. 75: What is What is Defect Leakage?
Defect leakage refers to the defect Found reproduced by the Client or User, which the tester was unable to found.
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Q. 76: What is the difference between Functional Testing and System Testing?
Functionality testing is based on functional requirements of the application whereas the system testing is end to end testing it covers all the functionality, performance, usability, database, stress testing.
Functional testing is the subset of system testing, but both are Black box testing.
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Q. 77: What Is a Test Bed?
Test bed is the environment which is required to test the software.
This includes requirement of Hardware, Software, Memory, CPU speed, Operating system etc.
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Q. 78: What is Latent Bug?
Latent Bug is a bug, which gets unobserved in two or more releases of the application.
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Q. 79: What is Bi-directional Traceability Matrix?
Bidirectional Traceability refers to the Forward and Backward traceability.
Forward Traceability is from requirements to design to code to testcases.
Whereas the Backward Traceability is in the reverse direction, meaning thereby the end product has met the requirements or not. It is quite difficult to achieve the Backward traceability without the help of a tool.
Bidirectional Traceability is the prime expectation of CMMI.
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Q. 80: What is Base Lining?
Baselining is the process by which the quality and cost effectiveness of a service is assessed, usually in advance of a change to the service.
Baselining usually includes comparison of the service before and after the Change or analysis of trend information.
Continue to Next Part : Q 81 to 90

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