Skill Test-A must for Team Leads and QA Managers-Q 51 to 60
(Questions, solution or answers of which must be known to each & every Software QA Manager)
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 41 to Q 50 are at the end of this page:
Set of 10 Questions
Q. 51: The inspection effort indicator is a proxy measure of how well the inspection process was:
A. Prepared.
B. Implemented.
C. Tracked.
D. Timed.
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Q. 52: It becomes harder to maintain the high quality that both producers and consumers of software need because of:
A. The time needed to produce new software.
B. The money needed to complete the project.
C. The size and complexity of software.
D. A growing lack of teamwork in software development.
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Q. 53: The Whole Plan Model uses the following two types of data in its calculations:
A. Project data and defect data.
B. Project data and product data.
C. Product data and defect data.
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Q. 54: Software professionals measure the effectiveness of their inspections by keeping track of time (example: how much time each person spends on each activity), quantities (example: number of lines of code inspected), team characteristics, and:
A. Major defects and their severity.
B. Cost of inspections
C. Number of design changes introduced.
D. Number of lines of code changed.
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Q. 55: Which of the following statements is true about how test data should be reported to consumers such as testers, developers, and test managers?
A. It is never a good idea to present raw test data to a consumer.
B. Test data should always be presented with an analysis.
C. Data should sometimes be presented without supporting information.
D. Test data should always be presented with a summary.
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Q. 56: Software quality professionals track pervasive problems such as data integrity problems, security breaches, and system availability problems in a metric called;
A. Rediscoveries.
B. High-impact defects.
C. Fix quality.
D. Total field reported defects.
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Q. 57: Early defect removal practices such as inspections:
A. Eliminate the need to apply Quality Predictive indicators.
B. Reduce overall time to market.
C. Reduce the need for static analysis.
D. Can only be used with the waterfall model.
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Q. 58: Software developers and testers are able to track how many defects have been injected into each phase by means of:
A. Fagan inspections.
B. Orthogonal Defect Classification.
C. Change management systems.
D. Root cause analysis.
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Q. 59: In the Practices Wizard of the Whole Plan Model tool, the Baseline state should be set to reflect the practices currently used in the:
A. To Be project state.
B. Software development process.
C. Defect removal efficiency rating.
D. Actual column.
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Q. 60: The following is a method of measuring how many issues customers are encountering:
Correct Answer of the above Questions
Many More Articles on QA Managers Skill Review Test
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 41 to Q 50 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 41 | C |
Q. 42 | A |
Q. 43 | A |
Q. 44 | A |
Q. 45 | A |
Q. 46 | A |
Q. 47 | B |
Q. 48 | A |
Q. 49 | D |
Q. 50 | C |

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.