Quality Center Certification Skill Test:Q. 21 to 30
Objective Type / Multiple Choice Questions on HP Quality Center 9.2 under the Series
(Quickly Review Your HP – QC Skills before appearing for HP Certification Exam HP0-M15)
Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 11 to Q 20 are at the end of this page:
Q. 21: The ________ can send messages to users connected to Quality Center projects informing them about important maintenance or other issues.
A. Site administer
B. Site Controller
C. Site Analyser
D: Site administrator
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Q. 22: Quality Center organizes and displays data in ________
A. Grids
B. Trees
C. Folders
D: Both A & B
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Q. 23: You can no longer customize data by specifying the order in which columns appear, and by changing column size.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 24: You can filter Quality Center data to display only those records that meet the criteria that you define.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 25: When defining a filter, you can also include a cross filter. This is an advanced ________ on an associated item such as requirements, tests, test sets, or defects.
A. Secondary filter
B. Primary filter
C. Cross filter
D: Second filter
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Q. 26: By default, records appear in Quality Center according to the ________
A. Increasing order
B. Decreasing order
C. Order in which they were added.
D: Order in which they were deleted.
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Q. 27: You cannot copy and paste the filter, sort, and group by settings to and from the Clipboard.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 28: You can use text search to search for records in predefined fields of the ________
A. Requirements, Test Plan, and Defects modules.
B. Releases, Test Plan, and Defects modules.
C. Requirements and Defects modules.
D: Requirements, Execute Tests, and Defects modules.
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Q. 29: If you have defined filter conditions for a module, you can restrict the search to the filtered records, or you can search all records in the module
A. True
B. False
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Q. 30: Text search is only available if it has been enabled for the project.
A. True
B. False
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Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 11 to Q 20 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 11 | D |
Q. 12 | A |
Q. 13 | B |
Q. 14 | B |
Q. 15 | D |
Q. 16 | C |
Q. 17 | A |
Q. 18 | D |
Q. 19 | B |
Q. 20 | A |

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I am planning to write Qc certification this week. could you plz mail us the materials and dumps.
Mail id :prasannapriya.g@tcs.com
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I am planning to take HP QC certification . could you plz mail us the materials and dumps.
Mail id :sheetalmistry1901@gmail.com