Quality Center Certification Skill Test:Q. 111 to 120
Objective Type / Multiple Choice Questions on HP Quality Center 9.2 under the Series
(Quickly Review Your HP – QC Skills before appearing for HP Certification Exam HP0-M15)
Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 101 to Q 110 are at the end of this page:
Q. 111: You cannot copy a requirement within the same project or between projects.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 112: Test coverage, defect linkage, and risk-based quality management data for the requirement are not copied.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 113: Methods you can use to create tests from requirements:
A. Convert Requirements to Tests
B. Generate a Test from Requirements.
C. Get a test from a requirement
D. Both A & B
E: Both B & C
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Q. 114: Using the Requirements Traceability tab in the Requirement Details view, you can add traceability links to and from a selected requirement. _______ Links indicate requirements that affect a selected requirement. _________ Links indicate requirements that are affected by a selected requirement.
A. Trace from, Trace to
B. Trace to, Trace from
C. Trace from select, Trace to select
D. Trace to select, Trace from select
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Q. 115: When a requirement changes, Quality Center alerts the affected requirements. The alerts can be seen by all users.
A. True
B. False
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Q. 116: You can display traceability relationships that exist between requirements in the ________ tab. This tab contains the Trace From and Trace To grids.
A. Traceability
B. Relationships
C. Req-traceability
D. Traceability-Req
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Q. 117: The __________ feature enables you to calculate at which level to test each requirement, based on the nature of the requirement and the resources you have available.
A. Level-based quality management
B. Calculate-based quality management
C. Risk-based quality management
D. None of above
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Q. 118: You can assign or calculate the Risk Category of an assessment requirement. The Risk Category is composed of its __________
A. Business Criticality & Failure Probability
B. Business Probability & Failure Criticality
C. Priority & Severity
D. None of above
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Q. 119: Quality Center defines four Testing Levels:
A. First, second, third, and fourth
B. Full, Partial, Basic, and None
C. Full, Partial, Basic, and moderate
D. Partial, Basic, moderate and Advanced
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Q. 120: The __________ link displays the requirements for which you did not determine a Risk Category or exclude explicitly from the analysis.
A. Missing risk assessment
B. Miss assessment
C. Missing assessment
D. Exclude assessment
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Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 101 to Q 110 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 101 | D |
Q. 102 | A |
Q. 103 | B |
Q. 104 | A |
Q. 105 | D |
Q. 106 | C |
Q. 107 | D |
Q. 108 | B |
Q. 109 | A |
Q. 110 | B |

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