PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 81 to 90
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Set of 10 Questions
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Q. 81: Organizations manage portfolios based on which of the following types of plans?
A. Strategic
B. Project
C. Program
D. Operational
Section: Planning
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Q. 82: Which type of analysis is used to determine the cause and degree of difference between the baseline and actual performance?
A. Schedule network analysis
B. Reserve analysis
C. Alternative analysis
D. Variance analysis
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 83: Success is measured by benefits realization for a:
A. strategic plan
B. project
C. portfolio
D. program
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 84: The process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables is known as:
A. Validate Scope.
B. Close Project or Phase.
C. Control Quality.
D. Verify Scope.
Section: Closing
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Q. 85: When managing a project team, what helps to reduce the amount of conflict?
A. Clear role definition
B. Negotiation
C. Risk response planning
D. Team member replacement
Section: Executing
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Q. 86: An output of the Create WBS process is:
A. Scope baseline.
B. Change requests.
C. Accepted deliverables.
D. Variance analysis.
Section: Executing
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Q. 87: What are assigned risk ratings based upon?
A. Root cause analysis
B. Assessed probability and impact
C. Expert judgment
D. Risk Identification
Section: Executing
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Q. 88: The definition of operations is a/an:
A. organizational function performing the temporary execution of activities that produce the same product or provide repetitive service.
B. temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service. or result.
C. organization that provides oversight for an administrative area.
D. organizational function performing the ongoing execution of activities that produce the same product or provide repetitive service.
Section: Executing
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Q. 89: Using the following data, what is the Schedule Performance Index (SPI)?
EV= $500 PV= $750 AC= $1000 BAC= $1200
A. 0.67
B. 1.5
C. 0.75
D. 0.5
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 90: A tool and technique used in the Develop Project Charter process is:
A. change control tools
B. expert judgment
C. meetings
D. analytical techniques
Section: Initiation
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