PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 731 to 740
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 731: Which Control Scope input is compared to actual results to determine if corrective action is required for the project?
A. Scope baseline
B. Scope management plan
C. Change management plan
D. Cost baseline
Section: Initiation
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Q. 732: Which of the following tools or techniques is used for Estimate Activity Duration?
A. Critical path
B. Rolling Wave
D. Parametric
Section: Planning
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Q. 733: Any step recommended to bring expected future performance in line with the project management plan is called:
A. Performance evaluation
B. Corrective action
C. Preventive action
D. Defect repair
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Recommended corrective action is an output from control scope. In addition to bringing expected future performance in line with the project management plan, it also serves to bring expected future performance in line with the project scope statement.
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Q. 734: Which of the following statements is true regarding project and product lifecycles?
A. A single product lifecycle may consist of multiple project lifecycles.
B. A product lifecycle is always shorter than the project lifecycle.
C. A single product lifecycle can only have one project lifecycle.
D. A single project lifecycle may consist of multiple product lifecycles.
Section: Executing
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Q. 735: A schedule performance index (SPI) of 0.76 means:
A. You are over budget
B. You are ahead of schedule
C. You are behind schedule
D. You are only progressing at 24 percent of the rate originally planned
Section: Monitoring & Controlling
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
An SPI greater than 1 means that you are ahead of schedule, but an SPI less than 1 means that you are behind schedule.
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Q. 736: Following chart contains information about the tasks in a project:
Based on the chart, what is the cost variance (CV) for Task 6?
A. -2,000
B. 0
C. 1,000
D. 2,000
Section: Monitoring and Controlling
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Q. 737: Which of the following statements correctly characterizes pull communication?
A. It includes letters, memos, reports, emails, and faxes.
B. It requires recipients to access communication content at their own discretion.
C. It is the most efficient way to ensure a common understanding among all participants.
D. It is primarily used when the volume of information to be transferred is minimal.
Section: Planning
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Q. 738: What is the probability of occurrence if the risk rating is 0.56 and the impact if the risk does occur is very high (0.80)?
A. 0.45
B. 0.56
C. 0.70
Section: Initiation
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Q. 739: Change requests, project management plan updates, project document updates, and organizational process assets updates are all outputs of which project management process?
A. Plan Risk Responses
B. Manage Stakeholder Expectations
C. Define Scope
D. Report Performance
Section: Executing
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Q. 740: Which schedule compression technique has phases or activities done in parallel that would normally have been done sequentially?
A. Crashing
B. Fast-tracking
C. Leads and lags adjustment
D. Parallel task development
Section: Closing
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