PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 711 to 720
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 711: An input to the Plan Stakeholder Management process is:
A. The project charter.
B. The stakeholder analysis.
C. A communication management plan.
D. A stakeholder register.
Section: Planning
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Q. 712: Which is an output from Distribute Information?
A. Earned value analysis
B. Trend analysis
C. Project records
D. Performance reviews
Section: Planning
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Q. 713: Analogous estimating is also known as estimating:
A. Bottom-up
B. Parametric
C. Top-down
D. None of the above
Section: Planning
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
This type of estimating looks at the large picture first and gives an overall view of the potential costs.
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Q. 714: The stakeholder register is an output of:
A. Identify Stakeholders.
B. Plan Stakeholder Management.
C. Control Stakeholder Engagement.
D. Manage Stakeholder Engagement.
Section: Initiation
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Q. 715: You are managing a project to introduce a new product to the marketplace that is expected to have a very long life. In this situation, the concept of being temporary, which is part of the definition of a project:
A. Does not apply because the project will have a lasting result
B. Does not apply to the product to be created
C. Recognizes that the project team will outlive the actual project
D. Does not apply because the project will not be short in duration
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
A project is completed when its objectives have been achieved or when they are recognized as being unachievable and the project is terminated. In this case, the end will occur when the product is finished. Thus, the concept of temporary applies to the project lifecycle, not the product lifecycle.
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Q. 716: The first step in collecting requirements on any project, large or small, is to:
A. Talk with the project stakeholders through interviews
B. Review the scope management plan
C. Conduct facilitated workshops with stakeholders
D. Prepare a requirements document template that you and your team can use throughout the collect requirements process
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The scope management plan is reviewed first as it provides clarity as to how the project team will determine which requirements need to be collected on the project.
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Q. 717: The cost-benefit analysis tool is used for creating:
A. Pareto charts.
B. quality metrics.
C. change requests,
D. Ishikawa diagrams.
Section: Closing
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Q. 718: Which Define Activities tool or technique is used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts?
A. Decomposition
B. Inspection
C. Project analysis
D. Document analysis
Section: Planning
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Q. 719: Which schedule method allows the project team to place buffers on the project schedule path to account for limited resources and project uncertainties?
A. Critical path method
B. Critical chain method
C. Resource leveling
D. Schedule network analysis
Section: Executing
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Q. 720: At which point of the project is the uncertainty the highest and the risk of failing the greatest?
A. The final phase of the project
B. Start of the project
C. End of the project
D. The midpoint of the project
Section: Initiation
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