PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1771 to 1780
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1771: Major outputs of Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity Resources, and Estimate Activity Durations are inputs to which process?
A. Develop Project Charter
B. Create WBS
C. Develop Schedule
D. Define Scope
Section: Planning
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
This question is describing the process outputs that feed into the Develop Schedule process.
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Q. 1772: Which is true regarding the critical path?
A. All the necessary activities in a project
B. The work currently underway
C. The sequence of work which determines the project finish date
D. Should be determined at the project’s beginning and not changed
Section: Planning
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Critical path is the sequence of work which determines the project finish date. It is the longest duration path through the schedule network diagram, and any delays along the critical path will delay the project.
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Q. 1773: Your project is behind schedule. Which of the following should you use to establish and communicate the performance of the project?
D. Project network diagram
Section: Monitoring & Controlling
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Schedule Performance Index (SPI), is correct because it measures performance with respect to the schedule baseline.
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Q. 1774: Management reserves are used for:
A. future needs
B. known risks
C. unknown risks
D. added scope
Section: Planning
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Management reserve is for unknown risks. In other words, these are risks that you did not identify as part of the risk planning processes.
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Q. 1075: The cumulative cost curve for planned and actual expenditures:
A. Helps to monitor project performance at a glance
B. Is used for calculating the CPI
C. Is also known as a histogram
D. Forecasts total project expenditures
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Cost curves for planned and actual expenditures are created by adding each month’s costs to the previous reporting period’s expenditures. By doing so, one can quickly see how the project is performing.
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Q. 1076: The reason that the cost performance index (CPI) is shown as a ratio is to:
A. Enable a detailed analysis of the schedule regardless of the value of the schedule variance
B. Distinguish between critical path and noncritical path work packages
C. Provide the ability to show performance for a specified time period for trend analysis
D. Measure the actual time to complete the project
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Because schedule performance index (SPI) and cost performance index (CPI) are expressed as ratios, they can be used to show performance for a specific time period or trends over a long-time horizon. Additionally, there is no need to disclose confidential financial data to convey the project’s status to one’s customers; they should not have a need to know such information, unless there is a contractual requirement to do so.
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Q. 1077: Assume that your actual costs are $800; your planned value is $1,200; and your earned value is $1,000. Based on these data, what can be determined regarding your schedule variance?
A. At +$200, the situation is favorable as physical progress is being accomplished ahead of your plan.
B. At -$200, the physical progress is being accomplished at a slower rate than is planned, indicating an unfavorable situation.
C. At +$400, the situation is favorable as physical progress is being accomplished at a lower cost than was forecasted.
D. At -$200, you have a behind-schedule condition, and your critical path has slipped.
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Schedule variance is calculated: EV – PV or $1,000 – $1,200 = -$200. Because the SV is negative, physical progress is being accomplished at a slower rate than planned.
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Q. 1078: John estimates the project costs from the top down, using the cost of a previous similar project as the baseline for the current one. What type of estimate is this?
A. Parametric
B. Analogous
C. Comparative
D. Lessons Learn
Section: Planning
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Analogous estimating is where you take the costs from a previous similar project as the starting point to estimate costs for the current project, making adjustments for known differences.
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Q. 1079: Quality is very important to your company. Each project has a quality statement that is consistent with the organization’s vision and mission. Both internal and external quality assurance is provided on all projects to:
A. Ensure confidence that the project will satisfy relevant quality standards
B. Monitor specific project results to note whether they comply with relevant quality standards
C. Identify ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results
D. Use inspection to keep errors out of the process
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Quality assurance increases project effectiveness and efficiency and provides added benefits to project stakeholders. It includes all the planned and systematic quality activities to ensure that the project uses all the processes to meet requirements. Quality assurance should be performed throughout the project.
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Q. 1080: Benchmarking is a technique used in:
A. Inspections
B. Root cause analysis
C. Plan quality management
D. Perform quality control
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Benchmarking involves comparing actual or planned practices to those practices of comparable projects to identify best practices, to note ideas for improvement, and to provide a way to measure performance.
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