PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1521 to 1530
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Set of 10 Questions
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Q. 1521: What is the typical role of senior management on a project?
A. Support the project
B. Pays for it
C. Supports the project and resolves resource and other conflict
D. Resolves resource and other conflicts
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1522: The sponsor plays a key role in project success. Which of the following is the best description of the sponsor?
A. Senior management
B. Customer
C. Product manager
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1523: Which of the following roles controls resources and manages a business unit?
A. Functional management
B. Senior management
C. Sponsor
D. Project management
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1524: What is the main deliverable from the Planning phase of a project?
A. Charter
B. Work results
C. Project management plan
D.A signed contract
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1525: Which of the following is not a regulation?
A. The building code for a city
B. The documented way to dispose of old paint
C. The average speed on a highway in a week
D. The zoning for an industrial area
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1526: What is the main output of Monitoring and Controlling?
A. Charter
B. Controlling stakeholders
C. Corrective action
D. Project product
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1527: The Project Manager and Functional Manager are having a disagreement on resource allocation for a new broadband project. The Functional Manager wants the resource for an operational issue that needs attention, and the Project Manager wants the resource to work on the project so it stays on schedule as planned. Which of the following roles can help resolve this problem?
A. Functional management
B. Senior management
C. Sponsor
D. Project management
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1528: The company is implementing a new project management approach. In the past, their projects have been disorganized, not in alignment with business goals, and not focused on interactivity between the projects where applicable. They want to have a better focus on grouping related projects together by business unit and product lines. Which of the following best describe what they are trying to accomplish?
A. Project management
B. Operations management
C. Management by objectives
D. Portfolio management
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1529: You are the Project Manager on a cellular bluetooth amplifier project and are in the Planning phase. During a team meeting, a Functional Manager attempts to validate if the project meets company goals. The Functional Manager will report this finding back to senior management to determine if the project should continue, be modified or be canceled. What is this process called?
A. Delphi Technique
B. Management by objectives (MBO).
C. Return on investment
D. Management product analysis
Section: Mix Questions
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Q. 1530: Which of the following is used to control schedule related items on a project?
A. Schedule Control
B. Schedule management plan
C. Work breakdown structure
D. Time management plan
Section: Mix Questions
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