PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1451 to 1460
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Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1451: As you use the critical chain method in lieu of the critical path method in developing your schedule, assume you have determined the buffer schedule activities. Your planned activities are scheduled to their latest possible planned start and end dates. Therefore, you are focusing on:
A. Managing the free float of each network path
B. Managing the total float of the network paths
C. Managing remaining buffer durations against the remaining durations of task chains
D. Managing the total buffer durations against the durations of the task chains
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The purpose of the critical chain method is to modify the project schedule to account for limited resources. The schedule is built using duration estimates with required dependencies and defined constraints as inputs. Then, the critical path is calculated and resource availability is entered, which means there is a resource-limited schedule with an altered critical path. Buffers protect the critical chain from slippage, and the size of each buffer accounts for the uncertainty in the duration of the chain of dependent tasks that lead up to the buffer. This method then focuses on managing the remaining buffer durations against the remaining duration of task chains.
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Q. 1452: A key member of your project has deep technical skills and many years of experience in the company. Although she is not a manager, people respect her and do what she suggests. Of the following types of power, which one does she have?
A. Legitimate
B. Reward
C. Referent
D. Expert
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Expert power is earned/personal power when project personnel admire an individual’s skills and want to follow him or her as a role model. In such situations, people willingly comply with the demands of such a person.
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Q. 1453: You have been placed in charge of a group of people that is selecting one of three possible projects. As you gather in the conference room, many team members already have decided which project selection technique to use. Some prefer IRR, and others argue for BCR. In deciding which method to use, your first step should be to:
A. Compare and contrast selection techniques and identify the advantages and disadvantage of each
B. Identify the technique used most often in the company and determine if it is appropriate for this project
C. Select the method for which most team members have knowledge
D. Determine the philosophy and wishes of management
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Any selection technique must be evaluated based on the degree to which it will meet the organization’s objective for the project. Management generally establishes the organization’s objective; therefore, management’s wishes must be identified first. Then the most appropriate model to support management’s wishes should be selected.
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Q. 1454: Before considering a project closed, what document should be reviewed to ensure that project scope has been satisfied?
A. Project scope statement
B. Project management plan
C. Project closeout checklists
D. Scope management plan
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Project scope is measured against the project management plan. The project scope statement and scope baseline are subsets of the project management plan. However, the whole plan and all the baselines (cost and schedule) need to be met in addition to part of the scope. The project management plan is the agreement between the project manager and sponsor and defines what constitutes project completion.
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Q. 1455: A cost management plan should establish and document the various earned value rules of performance measurement. Along with defining the WBS to the level that the earned value analysis will be performed and establishing how earned value will be credited to the project (0-100, 0-50-100, and so on), which following rule is also recognized regarding performance measurement?
A. Determine the formula for calculating the estimate to complete (ETC) for the project
B. Determine the code of accounts allocation provision for the WBS
C. Determine the formula for calculating the estimate at completion (EAC) for the project
D. Determine the variance thresholds to be used in the project
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Three recognized earned value rules of performance measurement are to
(1) determine the EAC calculation to be used on the project as tracking methodologies are specified and to provide a validity check on the bottom-up EAC,
(2) establish the earned value measurement techniques (for example, weighted milestones, fixed formula or percent complete), and
(3) define the WBS level at which the measurements of control accounts will be performed. Four methods can be used to calculate the EAC.
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Q. 1456: All the following elements are organizational process asset updates, resulting from closing a project or phase EXCEPT:
A. Project files
B. Project or phase closure documents
C. Historical information
D. Final product, service, or result transition
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
All the elements are outputs of the close project or phase processes, but the final product, service, or result transition is not pad of the organizational process assets. It is an output on its own and involves the product that the project was created to produce.
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Q. 1457: You have a conflict on your team but have enough time to resolve it, and you want to maintain future relationships. Thankfully, there is mutual trust, respect, and confidence among the parties involved. You decide to use confronting to resolve this conflict. In using this approach, your first step should be to:
A. Separate people from the problem
B. Acknowledge that conflict exists
C. Establish ground rules
D. Explore alternatives
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
In order to address conflict, people must recognize and acknowledge that conflict exists. Next, it is important to establish common ground or shared goals and then to separate people from the problem.
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Q. 1458: One way to evaluate the project schedule performance is to:
A. Use the project management information system (PMIS)
B. Determine the percent complete of in-progress schedule activities
C. Establish a schedule change control system
D. Determine the total float variance
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Performance reviews are a tool and technique used in control schedule and includes trend analysis, critical path method, critical chain method, and earned value management. In terms of the critical path method, the emphasis is on comparing progress along the critical path to determine schedule status. Variance on the critical path will have a direct impact on the project’s end date; evaluating progress of activities or near critical paths can identify schedule risk. After the variance is known, the project team can take corrective action to bring performance in line with the plan.
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Q. 1459: Validate scope works hand-in-hand with control quality and generally follows control quality. A tool and technique used in validate scope that is not used in control quality is:
A. Group decision-making techniques
B. Inspection
C. Statistical sampling
D. Variance analysis
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Both processes use inspection. Validate scope also uses group-decision making techniques to reach a conclusion when the validation is performed by the project team and other stakeholders. Methods to reach a group decision include: unanimity, majority, plurality, and dictatorship.
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Q. 1460: Research has shown that during the execution phase of the project, the majority of conflicts involve:
A. Personalities
B. Project priorities
C. Cost
D. Schedule
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
In a study of sources of conflict by project life-cycle phase, seven different causes of conflict were identified. In the execution phase, the highest-ranking sources of conflict were schedules, technical issues, and personnel, in this order, followed by priorities, administrative procedures, cost, and personalities.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.