PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1381 to 1390
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1381: Project execution must be compared, and deviations must be measured for management control according to the:
A. Scope baseline
B. Performance measurement baseline
C. Schedule baseline
D. Control system
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The PMB is an approved, integrated scope-schedule-cost plan for the project work against which project execution is compared in order to measure and manage performance. It includes contingency reserve but not management reserve. It typically integrates scope, schedule, and cost parameters of the project, but it may also include technical and quality parameters.
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Q. 1382: A number of items may be part of the schedule data for the project. The amount of additional detail will vary, but the data should include all the following items EXCEPT:
A. Schedule activities
B. Activity attributes
C. Identified assumptions
D. Resource breakdown structure
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Schedule data for the project schedule includes a number of items as it collects the information used to describe and control the schedule. It includes schedule milestones, schedule activities, activity attributes, and assumptions and constraints. It may include resource histograms, alternate schedules, contingency reserves cash-flow projections, and order and delivery schedules.
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Q. 1383: If a team member, when facing schedule delays and cost overruns, develops several alternatives for completing the project successfully on schedule and within budget and asks questions such as, “Can we do it?,” “If we do it what are the consequences?,” and “Is it really worth the effort involved?,” he or she is primarily motivated by the:
A. Contingency Theory
B. Expectancy Theory
C. Reinforcement Theory
D. Equity Theory
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Developed by Victor Vroom, Expectancy Theory asserts that people think seriously about how much effort they should put into a task before doing it. Motivation is linked to an expectation of a favorable outcome. It is based on the concept that people choose behaviors that they believe will lead to desired rewards and outcomes.
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Q. 1384: Which tool or technique is NOT used for schedule control?
A. Performance reviews
B. Project management software
C. Work performance information
D. Leads and lags
Section:Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Work performance data is an input to control schedule.
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Q. 1385: All the following are examples of project document updates from the manage project team process EXCEPT:
A. Issue log
B. Roles description
C. Project staff assignments
D. Personnel skills
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Personnel skill updates are an example of an enterprise environmental factor that may require updates as a result of the manage project team process along with inputs to the organizational performance appraisals.
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Q. 1386: Recording and reporting information regarding when appropriate configuration information should be provided and regarding the status of proposed and approved changes effectively is done through:
A. Configuration status accounting
B. Configuration verification and audit
C. Project management methodology
D.A project management information system (PMIS)
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Configuration status accounting captures, stores, and accesses the needed configuration information to manage products and product information effectively.
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Q. 1387: Decomposition is a technique used to break larger, complex items into smaller and more manageable items. Which following statement best describes the role decomposition plays in creating the WBS?
A. Final output of creating the WBS is described in terms of phases of a project life cycle.
B. Final output of creating the WBS is described in terms of schedule activities.
C. Final output of creating the WBS is described in terms of verifiable products, services, or results.
D. Final output of creating the WBS is described in terms of the scope of the project.
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
By using decomposition, the upper-level WBS components are subdivided for the work for each of the deliverables or subcomponents into its most fundamental elements, where the WBS components then represent verifiable products, service, or results.
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Q. 1388: The schedule management plan is a key document. It is:
A. An output of the develop schedule process
B. A tool and technique used in the develop schedule process
C. The first time management process
D. A separate planning effort completed in conjunction with the time management processes
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The schedule management plan is the output of plan schedule management, the first of the seven time management processes. It is a subsidiary plan to the project management plan.
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Q. 1389: Activity attributes are used to extend the description of the activity and to identify its multiple components. In the early stages of the project, an example of an activity attribute is:
A. Activity codes
B. Activity description
C. Predecessor and successor activities
D. Activity name
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The components for each activity evolve over time. In the initial stages of the project, they include the activity ID, WBS ID, and the activity name. Later, additional information is added as other time management processes are performed.
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Q. 1390: You are working on a new project in your city to construct an environmentally friendly landfill. The existing site is so undesirable that many residents have moved to other neighboring cities because of their proximity to it. However, even though the project has the support of the public, you need to have a number of hearings of the city’s government before you are authorized to begin work. As you are in the planning phase of the project, you are waiting for these hearings to be scheduled and held before you can begin site preparation. These hearings are an example of:
A.A milestone
B. An external dependency
C. An item to be scheduled as a fragnet
D. A mandatory dependency
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Some dependencies are external ones, and they involve a relationship between project activities and non project activities. In sequencing activities, the project management team must determine which dependencies are external as they are usually outside of the team’s control.
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