PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1301 to 1310
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1301: The stakeholder register should not be prepared only one time, but it should be updated regularly especially if:
A. The stakeholder is not an active participant
B. The stakeholder is not impacted by the project
C. The stakeholder does not read status updates
D. The stakeholder leads a corporate reorganization
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Project document updates are an output to the manage stakeholder engagement process. These updates involve the stakeholder register. It should be updated as stakeholder information changes, when new stakeholders are identified, or if stakeholders listed in the register are no longer involved in or impacted by the project.
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Q. 1302: Working to foster stakeholder engagement, as the project manager, you know a combination of interpersonal skills and general management skills is needed. An example of a key interpersonal skill in stakeholder engagement is:
A. Facilitating consensus
B. Influencing people
C. Resolving conflicts
D. Negotiating agreements
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Conflicts are common on projects and between stakeholders. Other interpersonal skills useful in managing stakeholder engagement are building trust, active listening and overcoming resistance to change.
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Q. 1303: Stakeholder engagement must be controlled on a continuous basis for it to be effective. You realize a number of project documents can be useful for you as a project manager. An example is:
A. Technical performance measures
B. Change log
C. Actual costs
D. Start and finish dates of schedule activities
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Projects involve change, and most everyone tends to resist it. A change log is useful to review in the control stakeholder engagement process. Other useful documents are the schedule, stakeholder register, issue log, and project communications.
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Q. 1304: Expert judgment is a best practice as a tool and technique in many project management processes, and the list of possible sources for experts varies by the organization and by its association with others. One way once you have identified experts who you feel could be of assistance is to:
A. Use a focus group
B. Review documentation
C. Hold one-on-one interviews
D. Conduct interviews
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The key word in the question was experts. Useful ways to obtain information from experts is to use a survey, such as a Delphi approach, or to use a focus group, an excellent approach to obtain insight into attitudes, useful to control stakeholder engagement.
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Q. 1305: The sponsor is a key project stakeholder because he or she:
A. Approves or manages the project’s product, service, or result
B. Leads the project through initiating until it is formally authorized
C. Is the Chairperson of the project’s Governance Board and makes the final go/no-go decision
D. Has a major management role within the administrative area of the business
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The sponsor is critical throughout the project. He or she provides resources for the project and is accountable for its success. From the beginning through closure, the sponsor promotes the project.
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Q. 1306: Recognizing operations management is different than project management, as the project manager for a new line of electrical tractors to avoid the need to use costly fuel, you realize a best practice is to:
A. Document the operational managers’ influence either positive or negative in the stakeholder register
B. Offer to include the operational managers in all project phases
C. Recognize that the operational managers are only involved once they have ongoing responsibility for the product, service, or result
D. Realize the operations managers have key responsibilities on the Portfolio Review Board
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The needs of operations managers who perform and conduct business operations are important considerations in projects that affect their future work and endeavors. They should be engaged, and their needs identified in the stakeholder register. By considering them and appropriately including them in all project phases, the project manager can gain insight and avoid unnecessary issues that may arise if their input is overlooked.
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Q. 1307: Assume you are beginning your project to develop a series of residential condominiums in your city and are identifying possible stakeholders. A key organizational process asset you can review is:
A. Organizational culture
B. Organizational standards
C. Lessons learned
D. Local trends
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Lessons learned, stakeholder register templates, and stakeholder registers from previous projects are examples of organizational process assets that can influence the identify stakeholders process.
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Q. 1308: One way to develop an understanding of major project stakeholders to exchange and analyze project information about roles and interests is to:
A. Conduct interviews
B. Hold profile analysis meetings
C. Use questionnaires and surveys
D. Conduct a stakeholder analysis and analyze the results with a focus group
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
A profile analysis meeting is a tool and technique in the identify stakeholders process. Its purpose is to develop a deeper understanding of major project stakeholders. The meetings can be used to exchange and analyze information about roles, interests, knowledge, and the overall position of each stakeholder about the project.
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Q. 1309: Assume you are managing a project to implement an electronic medical record system in your ophthalmologist’s office. You have been working to identify your stakeholders to then make sure everyone is committed to it as some people have been working in this office for more than 20 years and are comfortable with the manual approach. At this point, you have documented assessment information, which includes:
A. Role in the project
B. Whether the stakeholder is a supporter, is neutral, or is resistant
C. Potential influence in the project
D. Organization position
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The stakeholder register contains assessment information as a key component. The assessment information includes: major requirements, main expectations, potential influence in the project, and the phase in the project life cycle with the most interest.
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Q. 1310: Having prepared stakeholder management plans on previous projects, you know it is positive to review the project management plan because it:
A. Provides information as to how to plan appropriate ways to engage stakeholders
B. Contains information useful to ensure the stakeholder management plan is aligned with the organization’s culture
C. Helps to determine the best options to support an adaptive process for stakeholder management
D. Contains a change management plan and documents how changes will be monitored and controlled
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Among other key items useful in the project management plan to review while preparing the stakeholder management plan is the change management plan. All projects involve some type of change. Reviewing this plan can help the project manager work with stakeholders who may be resistant to the project to help turn them into ones who are supportive or at least neutral to the resulting changes.
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