PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1291 to 1300
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1291: You realize that on projects, some stakeholders will not be as receptive as others to your project and actually can be negative from the beginning. Assume you have classified your stakeholders on your project designed to ensure students in your city have access to the best educational resources available, whether in class or online, your stakeholder management plan is a sensitive document. Therefore, you need to:
A. Tell your team to never disclose it to anyone outside the team without consulting you first
B. Involve your team as you develop it but maintain the final copy yourself
C. Review the validity of its underlying assumptions
D. Set up an information distribution system and have each team member sign it for concurrence
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Information on resistant stakeholders can be damaging, and consideration is needed regarding distributing the stakeholder management plan and the stakeholder register. The project manager needs to be aware of the sensitive nature of these documents. When preparing and updating them, the best practice is to review the underlying assumptions to ensure continued accuracy and relevancy.
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Q. 1292: Stakeholder engagement involves a number of critical activities. An example is:
A. Ensuring goals are met through negotiation and communications
B. Developing management strategies to engage them during the project’s life cycle
C. Adjusting strategies and plans to engage stakeholders effectively
D. Identifying the scope and impact of changes to project stakeholders
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
A key activity in manage stakeholder engagement is to manage stakeholder expectations through negotiation and communications, ensuring project goals are achieved.
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Q. 1293: Work performance information is an output of control stakeholder engagement. It includes a number of items, one of which is:
A. Change requests
B. Issue log
C. Documented lessons learned
D. Status of deliverables
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Work performance information is performance data collected from various controlling processes that are analyzed and integrated based on relationships among areas. The data are transformed into information, which is correlated and contextualized and provides a sound foundation for project decisions. The status of deliverables is an example.
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Q. 1294: Often in working as a project manager, it is easy to overlook key stakeholders. Assume you work for a device manufacturer and are working as the project manager for the next generation valve replacement. Your company has been a leader in this market, which means you have a lot of lessons learned available to you. Your project is scheduled to last four years. As a best practice, you should:
A. Work actively with your company’s Knowledge Management Officer
B. Consult regularly with your program manager
C. Work actively with members of your Governance Board
D. Work actively with members of your company’s Portfolio Review Board
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
New product development organizations are noted for setting up Governance Boards to oversee projects. Additionally in this situation, it is a long project that is important to the company. Project governance ensures the alignment of the project with stakeholder needs and expectations and is critical to the management of stakeholder expectations and to the achievement of organizational objectives.
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Q. 1295: Assume you are managing the development of a construction project in your city to replace its five bridges so they are state of the art and meet updated safety standards since they originally were constructed 20 years ago. The design work has been completed, you have awarded subcontracts, and are set to begin construction. Today your legal department told you to stop work as you had not consulted them, and there was a critical standard you overlooked during the design process. This example shows:
A. You need to continually work to engage stakeholders on your project
B. You should use a RACI chart and have one of your team members work with the legal department throughout the project
C. You should provide the legal department with a copy of your stakeholder management plan and ask for their representative to sign it and offer any comments
D. You need to continually identify project stakeholders
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Stakeholder identification is a continual process throughout the project life cycle. The legal department often is overlooked but it is a significant stakeholder. and in this situation, delays resulted. Significant expenses often are due to legal requirements that must be met before the project can be completed, or the project scope is delivered.
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Q. 1296: Assume your construction project is for a small city with only 8,500 people. There has been opposition to it from the beginning, when the City Commissioners approved it by many residents. The residents recognize they will be severely impacted as the new bridges are implemented, and during the public hearings before the Commissioners’ decision, they hired an attorney to state they felt the more cost-effective approach was to strengthen the bridges so they met today’s safety requirements. Residents now know you have been ordered to stop work, and they have requested a meeting with the Commission on Tuesday. This means you should:
A. Develop a mitigation plan to present at this meeting
B. Work diligently with the legal department to satisfy their concerns and receive a go ahead before Tuesday’s meeting
C. Demonstrate at the meeting the sustainability impacts of the new bridges
D. Balance the interests of these negative stakeholders and meet with them before Tuesday’s meeting
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Overlooking negative stakeholders’ interests can result in an increased likelihood of failures, delays, or other negative consequences to projects. The project manager must control stakeholder engagement, which can be difficult since they often have different or competing objectives.
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Q. 1297: The salience model is one way to classify stakeholders. In it:
A. Stakeholders’ power, urgency, and legitimacy are used
B. Stakeholders’ level of authority and concern are used
C. Stakeholders’ active involvement and power are used
D. Stakeholders’ influence and ability to effect changes are used
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
In the salience model, stakeholders are described in classes based on their power or ability to impose their will, urgency or need for immediate action, and legitimacy or their involvement.
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Q. 1298: In plan stakeholder management, all organizational assets are used as inputs; however, which of the following are of particular importance?
A. Organization culture and the political climate
B. Practices and habits and templates
C. Lessons learned database and historical information
D. Organization’s knowledge management system and policies and procedures
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
While it is rare that all organizational process assets are used in any process, these are of particular importance as they provide insight on previous stakeholder management plans and their effectiveness. They can be used to plan stakeholder management activities for the current project.
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Q. 1299: Assume you have identified your stakeholders and are preparing your stakeholder management plan. You are fortunate that your team is a collocated team as you are working on an internal project to reorganize your IT Department so it is focused more on its customers. The project sponsor is the Chief Operating Officer, and the IT Department Director was surprised as she thought all was well. However, you notice when planning meetings are held, the Chief Financial Officer never attends. You feel since IT affects the entire company, all the senior leaders need some type of involvement. You therefore feel the Chief Financial Officer may be:
A. Resistant
B. Unaware
C. Uninterested
D. Satisfied
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Since the Chief Financial Officer has financial responsibility for all of the company’s work, in preparing a stakeholder engagement strategy, he or she probably is aware of this project, and probably is resistant to change, perhaps feeling resources could be better spent on other initiatives.
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Q. 1300: Assume your stakeholder management plan has been approved. You now are working with your team to promote stakeholder engagement on your project. You explain in a team meeting its benefit is to:
A. Clarify and resolve identified issues
B. Meet stakeholder needs and expectations
C. Obtain their continued commitment to the project
D. Increase support and minimize resistance
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The other possible answers are activities in the manage stakeholder engagement process. Its benefit is to allow the project manager to increase support and minimize resistance from stakeholders to significantly increase chances for success.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.