PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1141 to 1150
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1141: As a project manager, you believe in using a “personal touch” to further team development. One approach that has proven effective toward this goal is:
A. Creating a team name
B. Providing flexible work time
C. Issuing a project charter
D. Celebrating special occasions
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Project managers can show interest in their team members by celebrating occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries with the organization, and special achievements. Other approaches include being supportive, being clear, learning some information about each team member, and being accessible. Through observation and conversation, the project management team monitors indicators such as progress toward project deliverables, accomplishments that are a source of pride for team members, and interpersonal issues.
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Q. 1142: Your project has been underway for some time, but indicators show that it is in trouble. You have observed all the following symptoms of poor teamwork in your project team EXCEPT:
A. Frustration
B. Excessive meetings
C. Lack of trust or confidence in the project manager
D. Unproductive meetings
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The problem is not too many meetings, but unproductive ones. The purpose of project meetings is to focus the skills and resources of the project team on project performance. Meetings that are considered “gripe sessions” or a time for the project manager to “lay down the law” are demoralizing to the team.
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Q. 1143: You are the project manager for a two-year project that is now beginning its second year. The mix of team members has changed, and there is confusion as to roles and responsibilities. In addition, several of the completed work packages have not received the required sign-offs, and three work packages are five weeks behind schedule. To gain control of this project, you need to:
A. Rebase line your original human resource plan with current resource requirements
B. Change to a projectized organizational structure for maximum control over resource assignments
C. Work with your team to prepare a responsibility assignment matrix
D. Create a new division of labor by assigning technical leads to the most critical activities
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The responsibility assignment matrix defines project roles and responsibilities in terms of work packages and activities. It can be used to show who is a participant, who is accountable, who handles review, who provides input, and who must sign off on specific work packages or project phases.
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Q. 1144: You are part of a team that is working to develop a new medical implant device. Your project manager is an expert in medical implantation devices, yet he continually seeks opinions from the team about a wide variety of project and product issues. Team members often run project meetings while he sits silently at the head of the table. Which one of the following best characterizes his leadership style?
A. Laissez-faire
B. Team directed
C. Collaborative
D. Shared leadership
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Shared leadership is more than participatory management or collaboration; it involves letting the project team take over as much of the leadership role as it will accept.
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Q. 1145: The major difference between the project coordinator and project expeditor forms
A. Strong commitment to the project usually does not exist in the project expeditor form of organization
B. The project coordinator cannot personally make or enforce decisions
C. The project expeditor acts only as an intermediary between management and the project team
D. The project coordinator reports to a higher-level manager in the organization
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The relative position of the project coordinator in the organization is thought to lead to an increased level of authority and responsibility.
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Q. 1146: Which one of the following represents a constraint on the acquire project team process?
A. Pre assignment of staff to the project
B. Recruitment practices of the organizations involved
C. Use of outsourcing
D. Team member training requirements
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Staff assignments in organizations are governed by the policies, procedures, or guidelines of individual components. These policies will constrain the project manager’s actions in acquiring a project team. The more familiar the project manager is with such policies, the easier it will be for him/ her to assemble a team. Such recruitment practices are examples of personnel administration policies; an enterprise environmental factor, which is an input to acquire project team.
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Q. 1147: According to Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory, when achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement, or promotion, are not present, employees will:
A. Become alienated with the organization and leave
B. Lack motivation but will not be dissatisfied with their work
C. Lack motivation and become dissatisfied with their work
D. Become dissatisfied only if they do not receive salary increases
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Herzberg advanced the theory that hygiene factors, such as the poor attitude of a supervisor, lead to dissatisfaction but not usually to decreased motivation. When motivators, such as responsibility and recognition, are lacking, they lead to job dissatisfaction, but when such motivators are present, they tend to motivate a person in the performance of his or her work.
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Q. 1148: Objectives for conducting performance appraisals during the course of a project can include all the following EXCEPT:
A. Initial establishment of roles and responsibilities
B. Discovery of unknown and unresolved issues
C. Development of individual training plans
D. Establishment of goals for future time periods
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Project performance appraisals are a tool and technique for the manage project team process and are used, among other objectives, to reclarify roles and responsibilities. It is critical that team members receive positive feedback in what might otherwise be a hectic environment.
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Q. 1149: Your organization is adopting a project-based approach to business, which has been difficult. Although project teams have been created, they are little more than a collection of functional and technical experts who focus on their specialties. You are managing the company’s most important project. As you begin this project, you must place a high priority on:
A. Creating an effective team
B. Identifying the resources needed to finish the project on time
C. The best way to communicate status to the CEO
D. Establishing firm project requirements
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
An effective team is critical to project success, but such a team is not born spontaneously. In early project phases, it is vitally important for the project manager to place a high priority on initiating and implementing the team-building process.
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Q. 1150: In organizing a project, a project manager must deal with conflict. Which statement is TRUE regarding conflict in projects?
A. A matrix form of organization can produce a lack of clear role definitions and lead to ambiguous jurisdictions between and among functional leaders and project managers
B. Sources of conflict include project priorities, PERT/CPM schedules, contract administrative procedures, and type of contract
C. Conflict is to be avoided whenever possible
D. Strong matrix project managers have few human resource conflicts, because they can dictate their needs to functional managers
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Matrix management is useful but complex, involving difficult communication because of the use of borrowed and often part-time resources who are spread throughout the organization.
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An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.