PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1131 to 1140
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1131: The project team directory is an output from which of the following processes?
A. Develop project team
B. Acquire project team
C. Develop human resource management plan
D. Manage project team
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The project team directory is part of project staff assignments, an output from the acquire project team process. Other outputs are resource calendars and updates to the project management plan.
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Q. 1132: You realize that leadership without management or management without leadership probably will produce poor project results. Which one of the following key responsibilities best represents project leadership?
A. Developing a vision and strategy. and motivating people to achieve them
B. Getting things done through other people
C. Using charismatic power to motivate others even if they do not like the work
D. Using all types of power, as appropriate, as motivational tools
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Leadership involves developing a vision of the future and strategies to achieve that vision, positioning people to carry out the vision, and helping people energize themselves to overcome any barriers to change.
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Q. 1133: Given that you are neighbors, you and the CEO of your company have established a friendly personal relationship. Recently your company appointed you project manager for a new project that is crucial to achieving next year’s financial targets. Which type of power available to project managers might you be able to rely upon?
A. Referent
B. Reward
C. Formal
D. Expert
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Referent power is based on a less powerful person’s identification with a more powerful person. This type of power is useful in terms of persuasion and helps the project manager exert influence over individuals from whom he or she needs support.
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Q. 1134: You have been a project manager for seven years. You now are managing the construction of a new facility that must comply with the government’s newly issued environmental standards. You want to ensure that your team members are able to select methods to complete various activities on the project without needing to involve you in each situation. As you prepare your human resource management plan, you should document this information in which of the following:
A. Roles and responsibilities section
B. Resource assignment matrix
C. Resource breakdown structure
D. Staffing management plan
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Authority refers to the right to apply project resources, make decisions. and sign approvals. Examples include selecting methods to complete activities, quality acceptance, and responding to variances in the project. The individual authority of each team member should match their individual responsibilities. This is documented in the roles and responsibilities section in the human resource management plan.
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Q. 1135: It is important on all projects to determine when and how human resources will be met. Assume that you are managing a project to assess methods for streamlining the regulatory approval process for new medical devices in your government agency. Because the agency has undergone downsizing during the past three years, subject matter experts are in short supply. You must determine whether the needed subject matter experts can be acquired from inside the agency or whether you must use contractors. This information should be documented in the:
A. Make-or-buy decisions in the procurement management plan
B. Contracts management plan
C. Staffing management plan
D. Resource management plan
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The staffing management plan is part of the human resource management plan. One section of it involves staff acquisition. Among other things. this section includes whether the human resources will come from within the organization or from external. contracted sources. These data then help to plan the acquisition of project team members.
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Q. 1136: In both the weak and strong matrix organizational structures, the primary condition leading to conflict is:
A. Communication barriers
B. Conflicting interests
C. Need for consensus
D. Ambiguous jurisdictions
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Ambiguous jurisdictions exist when two or more parties have related responsibilities, but their work boundaries and role definitions are unclear. This situation is found frequently in weak and strong matrix organizations because of the “two-boss” concept.
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Q. 1137: As project manager, you are primarily responsible for implementing the project management plan by authorizing the execution of project activities. Because you do not work in a projectized organization, you do not have direct access to human resource administrative activities.
Therefore you need to:
A. Outsource these functions
B. Prepare a project team charter that is signed off by a member of the human resources department to delineate responsibilities
C. Ensure that your team is sufficiently aware of administrative requirements to ensure compliance
D. Ask the head of human resources to approve your project human resource plan personally
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
A projectized work environment is unusual because project managers rarely have every function under their control. But compliance with administrative requirements, government regulations, union contract provisions, and other constraints is a consideration in human resource management.
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Q. 1138: Constant bickering, absenteeism, and substandard performance have characterized the behavior of certain members of your team. You have planned an off-site retreat for the team to engage in a variety of activities. Your primary objective for investing time and money in this event is to improve
A. Team performance
B. Morale
C. Quality
D. Individual performance
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Team development leads to improved team performance, which ultimately results in improved project performance. Improvements in team performance can come from many sources and can affect many areas of project performance. For example, improved individual skill levels such as enhanced technical competence may enable team members to perform their assigned activities more effectively. Team development efforts have greater benefit when conducted early but should take place throughout the project life cycle.
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Q. 1139: Two team members on your project often disagree. You need a conflict resolution method that provides a long-term resolution. You decide to use which one of the following approaches?
A. Confronting
B. Problem solving
C. Collaborating
D. Smoothing
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Collaborating or problem solving is an effective technique for managing conflict when a project is too important to be compromised. It involves incorporating multiple ideas and viewpoints from people with different perspectives and offers a good opportunity to learn from others. It provides a long-term resolution.
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Q. 1140: Which of the following is an enterprise environmental factor that may influence the development of the human resource management plan?
A. The organizational structure of the performing organization
B. Poor communication among team members
C. Ambiguous staffing requirements
D. Team morale
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Enterprise environmental factors can influence the develop human resource management plan process. The organizational structure of the performing organization determines whether the project manager’s role is a strong one (as in a strong matrix) or a weak one (as in a weak matrix). Other examples of enterprise environmental factors are the organization’s culture, geographic dispersion of team members, existing human resources, personnel administration functions, and marketplace conditions.
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