PMI PMP-Project Management Professional Practice Exam Q. 1091 to 1100
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Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answer has been Highlighted in RED
Q. 1091: Rank ordering of defects should be used to guide corrective action. This is the underlying principle behind:
A. Trend analysis
B. Inspections
C. Control charts
D. Pareto diagrams
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Pareto diagrams are histograms, ordered by frequency of occurrence, that show how many results were generated by type or category of identified cause. The project team should take action to fix the problems that are causing the greatest number of defects first. Pareto diagrams are based on Pareto’s Law, which holds that a relatively small number of causes will typically produce a large majority of defects, also called the “solzo rule.”
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Q. 1092: Project quality management was once thought to include only inspection or quality control. In recent years, the concept of project quality management has broadened. Which statement is NOT representative of the new definition of quality management?
A. Quality is designed into the product or service, not inspected into it.
B. Quality is the concern of the quality assurance staff.
C. Customers require a documented and. in some cases, registered quality assurance system.
D. National and international standards and guidelines for quality assurance systems are available.
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Quality concerns all levels of management and staff. Its success requires participation from all members of the project team with management providing the needed resources to succeed.
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Q. 1093: Assume you wish to provide a process to be more creative in problem-solving as on your project you have a somewhat complex scenario that possesses intertwined logical relationships for up to 50 items. The best approach is to:
A. Design an experiment
B. Use an interrelationship diagraph
C. Conduct a Monte Carlo analysis
D. Use a process decision program chart
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
In perform quality assurance, the interrelationship diagraph can be used as a quality management and control tool. It may be developed from data generated by other quality tools such as the affinity diagram, the tree diagram, or the cause-and-effect diagram. It is an adoption of relationship diagrams.
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Q. 1094: Your quality assurance department recently performed a quality audit of your project and identified a number of findings and recommendations. One recommendation seems critical and should be implemented because it affects the successful delivery of the product to your customer.
Your next step should be to:
A. Call a meeting of your project team to see who is responsible for the problem
B. Reassign the team member who had responsibility for oversight of the problem
C. Perform product rework immediately
D. Issue a change request to implement the needed corrective action
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The information obtained from a quality audit can be used to improve quality systems and performance. In most cases, implementing quality improvements requires preparation of change requests.
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Q. 1095: Six Sigma refers to the aim of setting tolerance limits at six standard deviations from the mean. whereas the normally expected deviation of a process is:
A. One standard deviation
B. Two standard deviations
C. Three standard deviations
D. Undeterminable because of the unique nature of every process
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
When the results of a sample of items measured falls within three standard deviations and that sample is representative of the entire population, you can assume that more than 99% of all items fall within that range. This generally accepted range of results has been used by quality control professionals through the years. Six sigma is a program started by Motorola that, from a statistical standpoint, indicates a quality standard of only 3.4 defects per million.
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Q. 1096: You recognize the importance of quality control on your project. However, you also know that quality control has costs associated with it and that the project has a limited budget. One way to reduce the cost of quality control is to:
A. Work to ensure that the overall quality program is ISO compliant
B. Use statistical sampling
C. Conduct inspections throughout the process
D. Use trend analysis
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Statistical sampling uses part of a population to draw conclusions about the total population. It is a well-proven technique that can significantly reduce the cost of quality control.
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Q. 1097: Deming’s Fourteen Points provide a way for an organization to create and sustain a culture of continuous improvement. As such it should be directed by:
A. The project manager
B. Top management
C. Employees participating in quality circles
D. Stakeholders
Section:Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Deming is known as a quality pioneer. His approach to quality is not only statistically based but focuses on what management’s responsibilities should be with respect to quality. His Fourteen Points for management are goals of quality for transforming business.
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Q. 1098: Quality inspections also may be called:
A. Control tests
B. Walkthroughs
C. Statistical sampling
D. Checklists
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Inspections comprise an examination of a work product to determine if it conforms to standards. Additional names for inspections are audits, reviews, or peer reviews (in some application areas, these terms may have narrow and specific meanings).
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Q. 1099: Your management has prescribed that a quality audit be conducted at the end of every phase in a project. This audit is part of the organization’s:
A. Quality assurance process
B. Quality control process
C. Quality improvement program
D. Process adjustment program
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
Quality assurance is a managerial function that establishes processes or procedures in an organization or project to assist in determining whether quality standards and operational definitions are being met. It is the application of planned, systematic quality activities to ensure that the project will use all processes needed to meet requirements and is performed throughout the life of the project. Quality audits are a tool and technique to use.
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Q. 1100: You are managing a major international project. and your contract requires you to prepare both a project plan and a quality management plan. Your core team is preparing a project quality management plan. Your first step in developing this plan is to:
A. Determine specific metrics to use in the quality management process
B. Identify the quality standards for the project
C. Develop a quality policy for the project
D. Identify specific quality management roles and responsibilities for the project
Section: Mix Questions
Justification in favor of the correct answer:
The quality policy includes the overall intentions and direction of the organization with regard to quality. as formally expressed by top management. If the performing organization lacks a formal quality policy or if the project involves multiple performing organizations, as in a joint venture, the project management team must develop a quality policy for the project. The quality management plan then describes how the quality policies will be implemented.
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