LoadRunner HPO-M49 Certification-Review your Skills: Q. 41 to 50
Objective Type / Multiple Choice Questions on LoadRunner VuGen Module under the Series
(Quickly Review Your LoadRunner Skills before appearing for HP Certification Exam)
Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 31 to Q 40 are at the end of this page:
Q. 41: You recorded a new script and then realized you failed to turn on the Enable correlation during recording option. What should you do?
A. Regenerate the script
B. Re-record the script again
C. Highlight the entire script and press the Correlation button on the toolbar
D. Copy and paste the script to a new
script with the Correlation option enabled
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Q. 42: What is used, during the debugging process that will pause execution at a specific point in the script?
A. Step button
B. Compile button
C. Execution Arrow button
D. Toggle Breakpoint button
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Q. 43: Which function allows you to exit from the script, action, or iteration?
A. lr_exit
B. web_exit
C. lr_exit_test
D. web_exit_run
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Q. 44: You want to prevent VuGen from generating any lr_think_time functions in your script. What can be modified to accomplish this?
A. Modify the Run-time settings and select Ignore think time
B. Modify the Run-time settings and select Multiply recorded think time by 0
C. Modify the Recording options and deselect the Generate think time greater than threshold
D. Modify the Recording options and deselect the Generate fexed think time after end transaction
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Q. 45: What is one advantage of the Script view?
A. Allows you to see a snapshot of each page
B. Allows you to use the script documentation
C. Allows you to insert transactions through the task menu
D. Allows you to add logic using functions and control statements
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Q. 46: You want to have your script define a different e-mail address to each user during a registration process for an e-commerce site, using the following format: testing99999@hp.com.
Your script will execute a maximum of 50 iterations. How can this be accomplished?
A. Define a file parameter, start at 1, block size per Vuser: 50, number format: testing%05d@hp.com
B. Define a unique number parameter, start at 1, block size per Vuser: 50, number format: Testing%05d@hp.com
C. Define a random number parameter, minimum number: 1, maximum number: 99999, number format: testing%05d@hp.com
D. Define a sequential number parameter, minimum number: 1, maximum number 999, number format: testing%05d@hp.com
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Q. 47: Which function allows you to select the next available parameter?
A. lr_next_value
B. web_next_param
C. lr_advance_param
D. web_advance_parameter
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Q. 48: Which parameter type will always have the value of one when replayed in VuGen?
A. Vuser ID
B. Group Name
C. Iteration Number
D. Random Number
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Q. 49: What is the file extension for the script file that is opened by VuGen?
A. .c
B. .txt
C. .usr
D. .cor
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Q. 50: When modifying the Properties for a Block in the Run-time settings? Run Logic, which Run Logic options are available? (Select two.)
A. File
B. Unique
C. Random
D. Sequential
E. Same Line As
F. Iteration Number
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Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 31 to Q 40 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 31 | B |
Q. 32 | A |
Q. 33 | A |
Q. 34 | B |
Q. 35 | D |
Q. 36 | D |
Q. 37 | D |
Q. 38 | D |
Q. 39 | D |
Q. 40 | A |

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