LoadRunner HPO-M49 Certification-Review your Skills: Q. 31 to 40
Objective Type / Multiple Choice Questions on LoadRunner VuGen Module under the Series
(Quickly Review Your LoadRunner Skills before appearing for HP Certification Exam)
Set of 10 Questions
Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 21 to Q 30 are at the end of this page:
Q. 31: Exhibit
Which tab is shown in the VuGen Output window?
A. Replay Log
B. Run-time Data
C. Generation Log
D. Parameter Simulator
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Q. 32: Which function marks the beginning of a measurement of elapsed time?
A. lr_start_transaction
B. lr_begin_transaction
C. web_start_transaction
D. web_begin_transaction
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Q. 33: You want to have each step in your script measured as a transaction in the Controller and not shown in the Replay Log in VuGen. How can you accomplish this?
A. Enable the automatic transaction in the Run-time settings
B. Manually add transactions to each step from the Tree view
C. Add a transaction to each page, using the transactions sub-task
D. Select the option from the Tools menu to add transaction to each step in the Script view
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Q. 34: You want to send a message to the log file, Replay Log, and Controller Output window. Which function should you use?
A. lr_log_message
B. lr_error_message
C. lr_set_debug_level
D. lr_vuser_status_message
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Q. 35: What is used as an end-to-end measurement of time elapsed when one or more steps in a business process have been completed?
A. Action
B. Function
C. Component
D. Transaction
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Q. 36: Which web protocol recording level generates the web_submit_form function?
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Q. 37: Which arithmetic operator is used to increment the value of a variable by one?
A. ||
B. —
C. &&
D. ++
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Q. 38: One reason for parameterizing data in a script is to vary one value for an object when another object on the application changes. A common example is username and password. Varying the username requires you to change the password. What is this type of parameterization?
A. Data Caching
B. Date Constraint
C. Unique Constraint
D. Data Dependency
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Q. 39: Where do you define an Auto Correlation rule?
A. Test settings
B. General options
C. Run-time settings
D. Recording options
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Q. 40: Which run-time setting node is available to all protocols?
A. General
B. Browser
C. Network
D. Internet Protocol
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Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 21 to Q 30 are as under:
Question No. | Correct Answer |
Q. 21 | A |
Q. 22 | D |
Q. 23 | D |
Q. 24 | C |
Q. 25 | D |
Q. 26 | C |
Q. 27 | A |
Q. 28 | B |
Q. 29 | A |
Q. 30 | C |
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