K-Level wise topics for CTAL Test Manager Exam as per the CTAL syllabus
ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Syllabus had been updated in 2007.
Following K-Level wise topics recommended for study for the Test Manager exam are based upon this latest syllabus.
(A) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 1: Basic Aspects of Software Testing
Testing in the Software Lifecycle
Level K2: Describe how testing is a part of any software development and maintenance activity
Level K4: Analyze software life-cycle models
and outline the most appropriate tasks/test activities to be executed. (distinguish between test and development activities)
Specific Systems
Level K2: Explain by giving examples the specifics of testing systems of systems
Level K2: Explain why the three main outcomes of testing safety critical systems are required to demonstrate compliance to regulations
Metrics & Measurement
Level K2: Describe and compare the standard testing related metrics
Level K3: Monitor testing activities by measuring the test object(s) and the test process
(B) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 2: Testing Processes
Test planning & control
Level K2: Describe. giving examples, how test strategies affect test planning
Level K2: Compare test work products and explain by giving examples relations between development and testing work products
Level K2: Classify test control activities related to determine if test mission, strategies, and objectives have been achieved
Test implementation & execution
Level K2: Explain the pre-conditions for test execution
Level K2: Explain by giving examples the advantages and disadvantages or early test implementation considering different testing techniques
Level K2: Explain the reasons why users and/or customers might be included in test execution.
Level K2: Describe how the level of test logging might vary depending on test level
Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting
Level K2: Summarize the information necessary to collect during the test process to support accurate reporting and evaluation against exit criteria
Test Closure Activities
Level K2: Summarize the four groups of test closure activities
Level K3: Generalize lessons learned in test closure phase in order to discover areas to improve or repeat
(C) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 3: Test Management
Test Management Documentation
Level K4: Outline test management documents such as Test Plan, Test Design Specification. and Test Procedure in compliance with IEEE 829
Level K2: Describe at least 4 important elements of a test strategy / approach and which documents according to IEEE 829 contain elements of test strategy
Level K2: Illustrate how and why deviations from the test strategy are managed in the other test management documents
Test Plan Documentation
Level K2: Summarize the IEEE 829 structure of a master test plan
Level K2: Paraphrase and interpret the topics suggested by the standard IEEE 829 structure of a test plan with respect to tailoring to an organization, risk of a product, and risk, size and formality of a project
Test Estimation
Level K2: Estimate the testing effort for a small sample system using a metrics based and an experience-based approach considering the factors that influence cost effort and duration
Level K2: Understand and give examples to the factors listed in the syllabus which may lead to inaccuracies in estimates
Scheduling Test Planning
Level K2: Explain the benefits of early and iterative test planning. Support your explanation by examples
Test Progress Monitoring & Control
Level K2: Compare the different procedures for controlling test progress
Level K2: Give at least 5 conceptually different examples about how test progress findings influence the course of the test process
Level K2: Use findings related to the test progress observed during monitoring and control activities and measures in order to outline an action plan to improve the current test process. Suggest improvements
Level K4: Analyze test results and determine the test progress, documented into a monitoring report and a final test summary report covering all 4 reporting dimensions
Business Value of Testing
Level K2: Give examples (measures) for each of the 4 categories determining the “cost of quality’.
Level K3: For a given context list the quantitative andlor qualitative values that apply
Distributed, Outsourced & Insourced Testinq
Level K3: List risks, commonalities and differences between the 3 staffing strategies (distributed, outsourced & in-sourced testing)
Introduction to Risk Eased Testing
Level K2: Explain the different ways, how risk-based testing responds to risks
Level K4: Identify risk ^within a project and product, and determine the adequate test strategy and test plan based on these risks
Risk Management
Level K4: Execute a risk analysis for product from a testers perspective, following the specific approach FMEA
Level K4: Summarize the results from the various perspectives on risk typically held by key project stakeholders, and use their collective judgment in order to outline test activities to mitigate risks
Risk Management in the Lifecycle
Level K2: Describe characteristics of risk management that require it to be an iterative process
Level K3: Translate a given risk based test strategy to test activities and monitor its effects during the testing
Level K4: Analyze and report test results and determine / propose residual risks to enable project managers to make intelligent release decisions
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Level K2: Describe the concept of FMEA, explain its application in projects and benefits on projects by example
Test Management issues
Level K2: Compare the test management issues for the Exploratory Testing, Systems of Systems, and testing safety-critical systems related to strategy, benefits and disadvantages, adequacy and their impact on planning, coverage. and monitoring and control
(D) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 6: Reviews
The Principles of Reviews
Level K2: Explain the benefits of reviews compared to dynamic testing and other static testing techniques
Introducing Reviews
Level K2: Compare review types with each other and show their relative strengths, weaknesses and fields of use.
Level K3: Lead a review team through a formal review following the steps identified
Level K4: Outline a review plan as part of a quality / Test plan for a project considering review techniques considering defects to be found. available skills of staff, and aligned with appropriate dynamic testing approaches
Success Factors for Reviews
Level K4: Explain the risks behind not considering the technical. organizational factors and people issues for performing reviews.
(E) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 7: Incident Management
Level K3: Process a defect following the incident management life cycle procedure as proposed by IEEE Standard 1044-1993
Level K3: Evaluate defect reports against IEEE Standard 1044-1993 and the applied defect taxonomy in order to improve their quality.
Level K4: Analyze the defect reports created over time and update the defect taxonomy
(F) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 8: Standards & Test Improvement Process
Level K2: Summarize sources of software standards and explain its usefulness for software testing
Improving the Test Processes
Level K3: Write and test improvement plan using the generic steps involving the right persons
Level K2: Summarize the testing improvement process as defined by TMM, TPI, CTP, STEP, and the process areas verification and validation in CMMI
Level K2: Explain the evaluation criteria of the test improvement models TMM. TPI, CTP, STEP, and the process areas verification and validation in CMMI
(G) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 9: Test Tool & Automation
Test Tool Concepts
Level K2: Compare the elements and aspects within each of the test tool concepts “Benefits & Risks”, “Test Tool Strategies”. Tool Integration”. ‘Automation Languages’. “Test Oracles”, “Tool Deployment”, “Open Source Tools”. “Tool Development”. and “Tool Classification”
Level K2: Describe why and when it is important to create a test tool strategy or road-map for your test tool
Level K2: Understand the different phases in test tool implementation
Test Tool Categories
Level K2: Summarize the test tool categories by objectives, intended use, strengths, risks and examples
Level K2: Summarize specific requirements to test tools and open source test tools used for testing Safety Critical systems
Level K2: Describe important aspects and consequences of different Test Tools and their implementation, usage and effects on the test process.
Level K2: Describe when and why implementing your own tool is an option and its benefits, risks and consequences.
(H) CTAL Syllabus Chapter 10: People Skills -Team Composition
Individual Skills:
Level K3: Use a given questionnaire in order to determine strengths and weaknesses of team members related to use of software systems, domain and business knowledge, areas of systems development, software testing and interpersonal skills
Test Team Dynamics:
Level K3: Perform a gap analysis in order to determine the required technical and soft skills for open positions in an organization.
Fitting Testing Within an Organization:
Level K2: Characterize the various organizational options and compare them with in-lout source and in-loft-shoring.
Level K2: Provide example of motivating and de-motivating factors for testers
Level K2: Describe by example professional, objective and effective communication in a project from the tester perspective. You may consider risks and opportunities.
Note: CTAL Syllabus Chapter 4 on “Test Techniques” & Chapter 5 on “Test of Software Characteristics” are not applicable for the Test Manager Level exam.
Best of Luck for the Prestigious CTAL – TM Certification ! ! ! !
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