ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Theory Study Material Part 19
Have a deep study of this entire question bank and Lessons learnt out of the Agile projects. This study resource is as per the latest syllabus.
Just 1 hr. of time spent in brushing up your knowledge just before the ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam shall be of great help in clearing it.
Set of 10 Lessons Learnt (L. 31 to 40) out of Agile Projects
L. 31: Automation is essential within agile projects so that teams maintain or increase their velocity.
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L. 32: Automation tools are linked to continuous integration tools that will execute and will highlight instantaneously if the new code breaks the build. Hence Automation is needed to ensure that code changes do not break the software build.
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L. 33: Agile projects embrace and expect change; however this does not mean requirements change daily.
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L. 34: Pair programming is typically done using two developers; testers are not expected to improve program logic although could review code for testability or maintainability.
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L. 35: In agile, defects are communicated regularly with stakeholders.
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L. 36: The tester should coach all other team members in any testing related aspect.
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L. 37: Within agile, the tester will provide feedback on the product at all stages, which might include code analysing activities.
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L. 38: The burndown chart shows progress of the user stories that are complete (done), and an estimate of the remaining time to complete the rest of the user stories in the sprint.
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L. 39: Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a technique used to develop code guided by automated test cases. It is also known as test first programming, since tests are written before the code. The tests are automated and are used in continuous integration.
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L. 40: The process for TDD is repeated for each small piece of code, running the previous tests as well as the added tests. The tests serve as a form of executable design specification for future maintenance efforts.
ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Theory Study Material Part 20
An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.