ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Theory Study Material Part 18
Have a deep study of this entire question bank and Lessons learnt out of the Agile projects. This study resource is as per the latest syllabus.
Just 1 hr. of time spent in brushing up your knowledge just before the ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam shall be of great help in clearing it.
Set of 10 Lessons Learnt (L. 21 to 30) out of Agile Projects
L. 21: Test level entry and exit criteria are more closely associated with traditional lifecycles.
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L. 22: Testers should work closely with developers while retaining an objective outlook.
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L. 23: Developers and testers work collaboratively to develop and test a feature.
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L. 24: A selection
of users may perform beta testing on the product after the completion of a series of iterations.<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
L. 25: There can be a risk of losing test independence for organizations introducing agile.
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L. 26: The independent test team can be part of another team when there are some specialized testers working on non-sprint or long term activities.
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L. 27: Independent testing can be introduced at the end of a sprint which preserves a level of independence where there are separate test and development teams and testers are assigned on-demand at the end of a sprint.
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L. 28: Positive customer feedback and working software are key indicators to product quality.
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L. 29: Burndown charts is best at showing the team’s progress against estimates as it shows the planned progress and release date together with the actual progress of the user stories.
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L. 30: Agile task board shows progress, this information is then used in the burndown chart. But the task board showing the progress of the user stories and tasks cannot show progress against estimates.
ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Theory Study Material Part 19
An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.