ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Exam Crash Course Part 2
The following user-friendly questions prepared according to different K-Levels are of great help in reviewing your skills before appearing in ISTQB Agile Tester Extension Certification exam as per the latest syllabus.
Set of 10 Questions (Q. 11 to 20) with Explanation in Favour of the Correct Answer
The Correct Answer option has been Hi-lighted in Yellow.
Q. 11: (Level K2) Out of the following which can be used to take advantage of the whole team approach in Agile development?
A. Daily stand-up meeting.
B. Continuous integration.
C. Test Driven Development.
D. Pairing.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is True – as the whole-team approach is supported through the daily stand-up meetings involving all members of the team, where work progress is communicated and any impediments to progress are highlighted.
Option (B) is False – as continuous integration has nothing to do with the whole team approach.
Option (C) is
False – as Test-driven development has no relation with the whole team approach.
Option (D) is False – as in pairing two team members (e.g., a tester and a developer, two testers, or a tester and a product owner join together at one workstation to perform a testing or other sprint task) is not an example of the whole team approach.
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Q. 12: (Level K2) Out of the following which is NOT a benefit of the “Whole Team Approach”?
A. Enhancing communication and collaboration within the team.
B. Enabling the various skill sets within the team to be leveraged.
C. Making quality everyone’s responsibility.
D. Specialized testers not required.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (D) is True – as specialized testers are essentially required on agile projects.
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Q. 13: (Level K2) Which out of the following TWO activities represent tasks and responsibilities that are consistent with the whole team approach in Agile projects?
A. Testers create user stories for the team.
B. Testers are responsible to test functional requirements and developers are responsible to test non-functional requirements.
C. Testers collaborate with other team members for tasks related to building infrastructure and designing for testability.
D. Every team member of the Agile team takes responsibility for testing tasks.
E. Testers prioritize and estimate the user stories.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is False – as the team works together to create user stories.
Option (B) is False – as this depends on the skillset of the team; developers may take on the task of non-functional testing.
Option (C) is True – as testers collaborate with the team on all tasks.
Option (D) is True – as quality is everyone’s responsibility and all team members should work together to ensure that the desired quality levels are achieved.
Option (E) is False – as the team collaborates to prioritize and estimate the user stories.
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Q. 14: (Level K2) Who is responsible for the quality of the product in Agile projects?
A. Testers as they are testing the product before it reaches the real customer.
B. Developers as they are developing the product based on the requirements.
C. Business Analyst as they are responsible for writing the acceptance criteria for the product.
D. The whole team has responsibility for the quality of the product.
E. The product owner as they specify the customer requirements to the team.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is False – As testers help the team in testing tasks but they are not responsible for quality as in traditional project development methods
Option (B) is False – As developers develop the stories and help the team in automation
Option (C) is False – As Business Analyst creates the acceptance criteria with the help of the team
Option (D) is True – As in agile projects, quality is the responsibility of the whole team
Option (E) is False – As the Product owner represents the business and provides frequent feedback to the team
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Q. 15: (Level K2) The statement – Agile development is very “people-centered” relates to Out of the following which Agile Manifesto values?
A. Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools;
B. Working software over comprehensive documentation;
C. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation;
D. Responding to change over following a plan;
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is True – as agile development put a strong emphasis on Individual communication and interaction as against relying on tools or processes so that the teams can function most effectively.
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Q. 16: (Level K2) Out of the following which is a benefit of the agile process promoting early and frequent feedback?
A. The total number of defects found In the project is much higher than on traditional software development projects such as the waterfall.
B. There is less rework because customers see the product regularly.
C. It is easy to determine the developer who introduces the most defects when integrating code
D. There is enough time to complete all features scheduled for the given iteration.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (B) is True – as mistakes/rework get drastically reduced due to the involvement of the cross-functional team of competent people.
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Q. 17: (Level K2) Out of the following which is an advantage of holding the whole team responsible for the product quality?
A. Companies no longer need to recruit and train software testing specialists.
B. Test automation tasks are now the responsibility of the development team instead of the test team.
C. Role barriers are eliminated and team members contribute to project success based on their unique skills and perspectives.
D. Project costs are lower because the need for a specialized test team is eliminated.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (C) is True – as every member of the team is fully accountable for the success of the project
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Q. 18: (Level K2) Out of the following which can be used to draw advantage of early and frequent feedback in Agile projects?
A. Involving business representatives in team planning meeting.
B. Involving testers in non-testing tasks based on their skillsets.
C. Asking Developer to work on automation tasks.
D. Asking the customer to see the product regularly.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is False – as the task is not related to receiving early and frequent feedback.
Option (B) is False – as the task is not related to receiving early and frequent feedback.
Option (C) is False – as the task is not related to receiving early and frequent feedback.
Option (D) is True – as the customer checks the product early and regularly there is less chance for requirement misunderstandings which is the main benefit of early and frequent feedback.
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Q. 19: (Level K2) Out of the following which is a benefit of early feedback in agile projects?
A. It helps to manage the team better.
B. It helps the team to deliver better quality software to the customer.
C. Early feedback results in fewer changes to the software.
D. Early feedback reduces the cost of the overall development cycle
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (A) is True – as the capability of the team members is quite transparent to everyone and it is easy to manage the team better.
Option (B) is False – as early feedback avoids misunderstandings in requirements but not necessarily results in better quality of software.
Option (C) is False – as more changes may be coming up due to early feedbacks.
Option (D) is False – as more testing may be required due to frequent changes.
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Q. 20: (Level K2) Out of the following which is NOT a benefit of early feedback?
A. Avoiding requirements misunderstandings.
B. Clarifying customers requests, making them available for customer use early.
C. Early discovery and resolution of bugs.
D. Early feedback reduces costs because it decreases the amount of time needed for testing.
Explanation in favor of the correct answer:
Option (D) is True – as more testing might be required due to frequent changes.
Continue to Crash Course Part 3

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.